

字号+作者:莎拉·达米安 来源:何新博客 2011-09-29 11:21 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

by Sarah Damianon August 29, 2011 2011年8月29日,莎拉·达米安 来源: 维基解密电报 (“食品警哨”网站) http://foodwhistleblower.or'...

by  Sarah Damianon August 29, 2011

                2011829日,莎拉·达米安 1X8品论天涯网

来源: 维基解密电报 (“食品警哨”网站) 




     国务院,农业部,把Bt水稻的安全证书立即收回、全部废除!没有一个中国人应该吃那种慢性毒药!           1X8品论天涯网


We know Monsanto and other biotech giants have been pushing genetically modified crops around the globe , but new diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks last week make it clear how entangled our government is in corporate agricultural interests.1X8品论天涯网

U.S. diplomats have certainly been making an effort to protect GM interests abroad.1X8品论天涯网





Truthout reports:1X8品论天涯网


Several cables describe "biotechnology outreach programs" in countries across the globe, including African, Asian and South American countries where Western biotech agriculture had yet to gain a foothold. In some cables (such as this 2010 cable from Morocco) US diplomats ask the State Department for funds to send US biotech experts and trade industry representatives to target countries for discussions with high-profile politicians and agricultural officials.1X8品论天涯网


The promotion of agricultural biotechnology in dozens of countries was referenced in U.S. embassy documents ranging from 2005 to 2010. France, in particular, seems to be a major target since it has been slow to adopt GM crops despite outside pressure.1X8品论天涯网


A 2008 cable summarizes a French, documentary "The World According to Monsanto," that attacks the U.S. biotech regime, including the "revolving door" between Monsanto and the U.S. government which has allowed little government oversight over biotech products. The cable reads:1X8品论天涯网


The film argues that Monsanto exerted undue influence on the USG. Former Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman is interviewed saying he had felt that he was under pressure and that more tests should have been conducted on biotech products before they were approved. Jeffrey Smith, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology, who is interviewed says that a number of Bush Administration officers were close to Monsanto, either having obtained campaign contributions from the company or having worked directly for it: John Ashcroft, Secretary of Justice, received contributions from Monsanto when he was reelected, as did Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health; Ann Veneman, Secretary of Agriculture, was director of Calgene which belonged to Monsanto; and Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, was CEO of Searle, a Monsanto subsidiary; and Justice Clarence Thomas was a former lawyer for Monsanto.1X8品论天涯网

这部纪录片责备孟山都对美国政府施加的影响很过分。前农业部秘书长丹·格里克曼(Dan Glickman)在接受采访时说,他感觉自己承受了压力,并表示在批准生物技术产品之前,应当对其进行足够多的测试。负责任技术研究所的负责人杰弗瑞·史密斯【他今年2月访问过中国-顾】在接受采访时也说,布什政府的一大批官员都与孟山都关系密切,有的从这家公司受到了竞选资助,有的甚至直接受雇于它:律政司司长约翰· 阿西克罗夫特(John Ashcroft)和卫生部长汤米·汤姆森(Tommy Thompson),在他们连任时,都得到孟山都的竞选资助;农业部长安·维尼曼(Ann Veneman)曾经是卡尔基公司(Calgene)的董事,而这家公司就隶属于孟山都;国防部长唐纳德· 拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld),是瑟尔(Searle)公司的首席执行官,这家公司正是孟山都的子公司;美国大法官克莱伦斯·托马斯曾是孟山都的律师。1X8品论天涯网

Clearly disturbed by these points, embassy diplomats requested "that Washington agencies provide talking points" so the officers could respond to the documentary on an "if asked" basis. They didn""""t want to draw attention to the film, but instead focus on "the positive role that biotech can play in meeting world food needs." Sounds like Monsanto""""s PR claims  straight from the mouths of government officials (do they get commission for that?).1X8品论天涯网


Talking points are one thing. Systematic retaliation against dissenting countries is another. You see, when it came to French efforts to ban a Monsanto GM corn variety, a more aggressive reaction resulted, as shown in a 2007 cable released by WikiLeaks in December 2010. Craig Stapleton, former ambassador to France under the Bush administration, "asked Washington to punish the EU countries that did not support the use of GM crops," reported AlterNet . Stapleton wrote:1X8品论天涯网

    该说的说了,该做的也做了。【对转基因“技术”】持异议的国家,受到了有完整行动计划的报复。从维基解密201012月披露的2007电报可以看出,法国人禁止了孟山都的一种转基因玉米品种,招致的是一个具有攻击性质的回应。  AlterNet )网报道,布什政府前驻法大使克雷格· 斯特普尔顿 Craig Stapleton要求美国对不支持转基因作物的欧盟国家实施惩罚。斯特普尔顿写道:1X8品论天涯网

Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits.1X8品论天涯网


Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voices.1X8品论天涯网


So not only were U.S. diplomats working on behalf of the biotech industry, they were also advocating threatening other governments who didn""""t follow suit.1X8品论天涯网


It""""s not exactly breaking news that corporate and government power are intertwined at the federal level. But even for us dealing with whistleblowers every day, it""""s astonishing to see more evidence of how commonplace it is for corporate marketing to be propelled on government dollars.1X8品论天涯网


Sarah Damian is New Media Fellow for the Government AccountabilityProject, the nation""""s leading whistleblower advocacy organization.1X8品论天涯网

莎拉·达米安 Sarah Damian )是全国领先的举报人倡导组织政府问责项目的新媒体研究员。1X8品论天涯网

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