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WEAPONS—GRADETracking武器级 I am not the only language maven to notice this. At Astrakhan State Pedagogical University, loca'...


I am not the only language maven to notice this. At Astrakhan State Pedagogical University, located in the Volga River delta,Maya Ryashchina had found three patterns: noun plus postpositive, as in hands—on manager and heads—up tennis; verb plus postpositive, as in drive—by killing; and a modal verb plus infinitive, as in can—do mentality, must—have wine and must—see film. (Go, Astrakhan S.P.U.!)
Euphemizers have reached out for compound adjectives.Adults of generous girth or a tendency toward obesity (whom the insensitive used to call “fat people”)wear big—and—tall clothes for men, plus—size for women.
The soul—satisfying impetus for our compound—modifying discourse … it's getting to me … begin again. The biggest boost to the use of hyˉphenated adjectives in the way we write has come from the military. In that target—rich environment, we find the World War Ⅱ use of company—grade and field—gra
de officers.In the 1960's, zero—defect quality control and zero—tolerance policies made their mark, promptly picked up by politicians. “An unfortunate inclusion in the U.S.legislation,” biologists observed at the Royal Society of London in 1967, “was the use of the term ‘zero tolerance,’which implied a nil residue level.” (In the scandal affecting the Catholic Church today, a zero—tolerance policy toward pedophilepriests is in the headlines.)
What single term epitomizes the triumph of the compound adjective?The hands—down winner (in the old days, I would have written,“The winner, hands down.” and come to think of it, that's more emphatic) is weapons—grade.
This was coined in a 1952 policy statement by the Atomic Energy Comˉmission calling for “nuclear plants which are economically independent of government commitments to purchase weapons grade plutonium.” It was not then hyphenated; that was done a year later by the scientist George L.Weil, the colleague of Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago who physically initiated the first nuclear chain reaction. Weil started a linguistic chain reaction as well: the meaning became “fissionable material of a quality for use in nuclear weapons,” and its serious meaning now applies to biological agents as well.
As with all horrific words,it was quickly absorbed into popular culture. Voted the “catch—all suˉperlative” of last year by the American Dialect Society, weapons—grade has been used to modifyeverything from a Toyota's torque output to Elvis Presley's charisma.Allan Metcalf, the Dialect Society's executive secretary, explains,“Weapons—grade salsa would mean really hot.”
这个词是原子能委员会在1952年的一项政策声明中首创的,该声明要求“经济上不依靠政府拨款的核工厂购买weapons grade(武器级)钚。”当时这两个词没有用连字符连结。是科学家乔治·L·韦尔于一年后用了连字符将其连结。韦尔是芝加哥大学恩里科·费米的同事,费米实际启动了第一次核连锁反应。韦尔这回又启动了一次语言方面的连锁反应:其意思变成“其品质达到可用于核武器的裂变材料”,此词严肃的意思现在也应用于生物制剂。

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