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DOT—CON连点 What does a gestalt—driven columnist have to do to fit blame game with finger—pointing to reveal a linguist'...


What does a gestalt—driven columnist have to do to fit blame game with finger—pointing to reveal a linguistic pattern in the coverage of the pre—Sept.11 intelligence failures? The only applicable clich: I must connect the dots.
Interviewing Vice President Dick Cheney on Fox News last month, Tony Snow asked,“Why didn't we connect the dots?” Later on in the same program, Mara Liasson, a reporter, observed:Everybody has said we had a lot of information.… We couldn't connect the dots. What are the dots?” In The Washington Post, Mary McGrory noted the brush—fire use of the phrase:“Ashcroft does not conˉnect the dots, as we say all the time now.”
The origin appears to be in a game run in newspapers early in the 20th century, based on a children's game played long before. A field of apparently random dots is displayed and numbered, and the dots are joined by the player in numerical order. Sometimes, clues to running lines between the dots are given below. As the game is played, the short lines begin to take the shape of an object, and lo! A pattern or image leaps up from the page.
“In the analysis of intelligence data,”an unrevealable source tells me,“bits of disparate information are assembled in files, orcomputerized, or just laid out on a table. The analyst must grade the fragments for reliability, specificity and importance, and then ——— in what is sometimes an intuitive leap ——— see a pattern begin to form, with gaps of intelligence that the analyst requests be filled in by elint 〔electronic intelligence〕 or humint 〔human intelligence, clandestinely obtained〕. Outsiders call thisconnecting the dots.” What do the spooks inside Langley call it?“Can't say. S
omebody would connect the dots.”
作者:威廉·萨菲尔 译者:王季良
受完形心理学驱使的专栏作家必须怎样做,才能把blame game和finger—pointing配在一起以揭示有关“9·11”事件前情报机关工作失误的报道中所出现的语言模式呢?惟一适用的老一套说法是:我必须connect the dots(连点成线)。
托尼·斯诺上个月在《福克斯新闻》节目中采访切尼副总统时问道:“我们为什么不connect the dots(把点连成线;把点滴信息/情报串连或汇集起来)呢?”后来在同一节目中,记者马拉·莱森评论说:“人人都说我们当时掌握了很多信息……我们未能connect the dots.这些点滴信息是什么呢?”玛丽·麦格罗里在《华盛顿邮报》上指明了这一用语的使用范围不大的情况。她写道:“如我们现在老在说的那样,阿什克罗夫特并没有connect the dots(把点滴情报联系起来考虑/判断)。”
一位不能透露姓名的人士告诉我:“在分析情报材料时,把完全不相干的点点滴滴信息汇集在档案里,或者输入电脑,或者就摊放在桌子上。分析员必须将这些片断材料按可靠性、特性和重要性予以分类,然后———以有时是一种直觉的跳跃———看到某种事物的轮廓开始形成,对留下的情报空白,分析员要求用电情(电子情报)或人情(人员情报,秘密获得)填补。局外人把这项工作称为connecting the dots.”中央情报局*内部的谍报人员怎么称呼这项工作呢?“没法说。有人会connect the dots的。”

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