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指责FINGER—POINTING &nbsp Senator Clinton was quoted above as looking with disfavor on “people who jump to conclusions,'...


Senator Clinton was quoted above as looking with disfavor on “people who jump to conclusions, point fingers.…”
Condoleezza Rice, Mr. Bush's national security adviser, agreed with that noble concept, telling Wolf Blitzer on CNN,“We do have to pull together and not point fingers.”
The finger referred to in this metaphor is neither the wagging finger of the scold nor the lickin' finger of the taster; it is the pointing finger of the accuser. In current use, and especially in its sense of “the action taken in a blame game,” the figure of speech most often used is a compound gerund.
Only five weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, Time magazine headlined “U.S.Intelligence: Let the Finger—Pointing Begin.” This used the locution in a rare positive sense, as an activity to be encouraged .Last month, howˉever, the same magazine returned to the more frequently used derisive sense:“Behind All the Finger—Pointing.”
In its literal sense, the phrase is tracked by the O.E.D. to Charles Whitehead's 1842 novel,“Richard Savage: A Romance of Real Life”: “There was my devilish mother in a side—box, gay and giggling, finger—pointing.” The metaˉphoric extension ——— to the meaning of “accusing, often unfairly”———is tougher to find .Fred Shapiro of Yale, compiling the hungrilyawaited Yale Dictionary of Quotations, has dug up this citation from a 1941 Social Forces magazine, in which Northerners are excoriated for pointing self—righteously at the South for its lynchings while segregation and race riots take place in the North:“This finger—pointing is not only unnecessary, but false.”
上面(见9月9日本版)引述了克林顿参议员的话,表明她不赞成“人们匆匆忙忙下结论,point fingers(指责他人,字面意思是‘用手指着人’)……”。
布什先生的国家安全顾问康多莉扎·赖斯赞同这一崇高理念,在有线新闻电视网的节目中对沃尔夫·布利策说:“我们确实必须通力合作,而不是point fingers.”
这一比喻说法中所说到的手指既不是骂人者摇动着的手指,也不是尝味者舔食的手指,而是指责者指着别人的手指。在当今的用法中,尤其是在“blame game中采取的行动”这一词义中,这个比喻最常见的用法是用作复合动名词。

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