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指责游戏BLAME GAME “Playing the Blame Game”was the headline in Newsweek about the furor over pre—Sept.11 warnings of pote'...


“Playing the Blame Game”was the headline in Newsweek about the furor over pre—Sept.11 warnings of potential terrorist attacks. The same week's issue of Time featured an article by an anonymous F.B.I. man headed “An Agent Speaks Out Against the ‘Blame Game.’”
Senator Hillary Clinton of New York, just before saying “I and others are raising legitimate questions” about the “Bush Knew” headline in The New York Post, was careful to say she did not “favor people who jump to conclusions, point fingers, play the blame game.”
This followed an exchange beˉtween Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and the White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer, which concluded with Senator Feinstein clearly illustrating the pejorative nature of the rhyming compound noun:“It is my hope that the administration and Congress can work together to solve the critical security problems facing our nation, rather than playing the blame game.” Obviously, working together is positive and blame—gaming is negative.
What is this new national pastime? Who thrust it on the political scene and when?
The coiner——— or at least, the political popularizer ——— was President Ronald Reagan in a television address to the nation on Oct.14, 1982. He had been accused of not doing enough to stop the rise in unemployment and counterattacked in strength:“The pounding economic hangover America is suffering fromdidn't come about overnight, and there's no single, instant cure. In reˉcent weeks, a lot of people have been playing what I call the ‘blame game.’”
Note the placement of quotation marks in the text and the assertion of authorship of “what I call.”Reagan, as a coiner should, immeˉdiately provided the word—picture that made the meaning clear:“The accusing finger has been pointed in every direction of the compass, and a lot of time and hot air have been spent looking for scapegoats.”
James Reston of The New York Times knew a catchy phrase when he saw one and titled his next column “The Blame Game.” He blazed back:“The president's speech was a clever and brilliant example of ‘the blame game’he deplored. … The whole thrust of it was to avoid responsibility for the economic recession and unemployment,and to blame the Democrats in particular and the tragedy of history in general.”
The trick in playing the game, as this illustrates, is to play to win by denouncing the playing of it by the other side, thus associating oneself with a voter's self—deluding self—image as a reasonable and nonpartisan person who hates bickering. The astute player of the blame game thereby avoids the easily seen—through paraˉleipsis of “I refuse to get down in the gutter with my opponent by reminding you of his prior convict
ions as ——”etc.
就“9·11”事件之前已有恐怖分子可能要发动袭击的警报问题上激起的不满浪潮,《新闻周刊》发表了一篇文章,所用的标题是《玩Blame Game(玩指责游戏;采取指责手法)》。与此同时的《时代》周刊特载了一个匿名的联邦调查局人员写的文章,题为《一名特工大胆陈言反对‘Blame Game’》。
纽约州的希拉里·克林顿参议员先是小心谨慎地说她不“赞成人们匆匆忙忙下结论,轻易地责备人,玩blame game(指责游戏)”。她紧接着说,对于《纽约邮报》上的《布什当时知道》这条标题,“我和另外一些人将要提出合情合理的问题”。
在此之前,加利福尼亚州的黛安娜·范斯坦参议员和白宫新闻秘书阿里·弗莱舍之间进行了一次交锋,交锋以范斯坦参议员清楚地说明这个押韵的复合名词带有贬义而告终。她说:“我希望,政府和国会能携起手来,解决我们国家面临的至关紧要的安全问题,而不是搞blame game.”显然,携手合作是积极的,耍指责手法是消极的。
它的创造者——或者至少是其政治上推广者——是罗纳德·里根总统,他在1982年10月14日向全国发表的电视讲话中造了这个用语。他受到人们的指责,说他没有采取足够的措施来制止失业人数的上升,于是便进行有力的反攻,说:“美国当前遭受的严重经济问题是原先遗留下来的,不是一朝一夕之间发生的,没有什么单一的能立即见效的解决之法。最近几个星期,许多人一直在耍我称之为‘blame game’的手法。”
请注意,文中给blame game加上了引号,并且以“我称之为”的字样声明为他所首创。里根一如新词创造者应当做的那样,立即作了生动的描述,使词义明确。他说:“四面八方都提出指责,用了大量的时间和夸大其辞的言语寻找替罪羊。”
《纽约时报》的詹姆斯·赖斯顿见到引人注意的词语便一眼认出,于是把“The Blame Game”作为他下一次专栏文章的标题。他猛烈地回击说:“总统的讲话是说明他所谴责的‘blame game’的别开生面的鲜明例子。……讲话的整个要旨是要推卸对经济衰退和失业(人数上升)的责任,将之归咎于历史的悲剧,特别是归咎于民主党人。”
如上述情况所表明的,玩这种游戏的取胜诀窍是:通过谴责对方大玩这种游戏,来迎合选民那种自欺欺人的自我形象,即认为自己是厌恶争吵、明白道理并且不偏向任何一党的人。这样一来,blame game的精明玩家就不必耍弄让人一眼看穿的假省笔法*,说出诸如“我不会提醒你注意我的对手有过前科,以免和他一起名誉扫地”之类的话来。

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