

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2002-06-10 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

GOTCHA!逮错 “竟然是你”是我今天必须坚强地正视的那个卷宗的名称。卷宗中存放的是逮错者们的指摘!他们纠集在一起就我去年的专栏文章中出现的错误指摘'...


关于死亡和征税:在探究粗直语时,我曾写道:“inheritance tax【遗产继承税】(一个主张征税的用语)什么时候变成了esˉtate tax【遗产税】(一个中性用语)?而又是谁将其改成了death tax(死亡税,通常译为“遗产税”),这一用语具有内在的反对征税的寓意?”
逮错者们出来指正了!罗伯特·约翰逊和哈里·阿伦两人一道来函纠正我,说:estate tax(联邦的或州的)是对死亡人的财产的净值所征的税;inheritance tax(非联邦的,一些州征收)是对接受上述财产的继承人所课的税。两者都是death taxes.
对此并不在乎的惯用法专家们说,两者的区别几乎已消失,一些大作家甚至用过is composed of这种误导人的结构,但是在这个问题上,我却属于顽固派。(待续)
“Uofallpeople”is the name of the file I must grimly address today.It contains the pointing of fingers by the Gotcha!Gang at the language maven for errors in my columns last year.
On death and taxes: In examining dysphemisms,I wrote:“When did the inheritance tax (a protaxing term)become the estate tax(a neutral term)? And who changed it to the death tax,which has a built—in antitax message?”
The Gotcha!Gangsters Robert Johnson and Harry Allan set me straight:an estate tax(federal or state)is imposed on the net value of the deceased person's property;an inheritance tax(nonfederal,some states)is levied on the heir who receives that property.Both are death taxes.
On Stalin's friend: In warning President Bush about trusting Vladimir Putin,I recalled a previous president's misplaced trust and quoted F.D.R. as saying about Joseph Stalin,“I like old Joe.”Wrong president.It was Harry Truman,recalling the Potsdam Conference,who said on June 11,1948:“I got very well acquainted with Joe Stalin,and I like old Joe!He is a decent fellow.But Joe is a prisoner of the Politburo.” Iwrote of Yasir Arafat's Force 17,his personal Tanzim militia,Hamas,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad:“They comprise a terror coalition,supplying one another with arms,money and suicidal killers.”
Greg Walker of the International Association of Chiefs of Police blew the whistle on this one,suggesting that I should have written constitute,meaning“make up.”He's right.
The rule is that the parts compose the whole,and the whole comprisesthe parts.That's because comprise———from the Latin comprehendere,“to grasp all,to take in mentally”———means“include,contain,embrace”(as if from the outside in).Contrariwise,composeand constitute mean“to make up”(as if from the inside out).
Therefore,I should have written,“They compose(form,produce)a terror coalition”or———equally correctly———“The terrorist coalition comprises(includes,contains,embraces,brings together)not only Hamas,Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah but also Arafat's Force 17 and his personal Tanzim militia.”
Loosey—goosey usagists say that the distinction is all but erased,and some great writers have even used the misleading construction is comprised of ,but I belong on the ramparts on this one.(to be continued)

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