
PERILS OF PARLOUSParlous(危险的)的危险

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2002-04-15 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

PERILS OF PARLOUSParlous(危险的)的危险 These are parlous times.Make that observation in a speech,and each member of your audien'...

PERILS OF PARLOUSParlous(危险的)的危险

These are parlous times.Make that observation in a speech,and each member of your audience will frown and nod,joining in the general worˉriment.One or two misfits will be wondering,“Does the speaker mean parlous or perilous?”
In The International Herald Tribˉune,the historian Roger Buckley writes darkly about“the parlous prospects for the economy.”Bloomberg News was told by a spokesman for Cathay Paˉcific Airways that the airline industry“is in a parlous state worldwide.”The ABC anchor Petter Jennings was quoted by Mark Jurkowitz of The Boston Globe as saying,“We are in parlous economic times.”
The word is not related to parley;it has nothing to do with the French parler,“to talk.”Parlous has the same meaning as the word it sounds like:perilous.The latin periculum,akin to peritus,“experiment”,means “risk”.But perilous is beyond “risky”,scarier than the general“dangerous”or the unavoidable “hazardous”;it is “fraught”(meaning“full of ,laden”)“with peril”.
If parlous means “perilous,”who needs both?The two forms of the same word have been battling it out for seven centuries,and today we're going to declare a winner.
Parlous is a delicious example of linguistic syncopation.Every ragˉtime or jazz enthusiast knows that when you syncopate(from the Greek for “cut short”),you begin a note on a weak beat in the bar,sustaining it into the accented part,thereby shifting the accent.In gramˉmar,you syncopate by snipping a word short or by skipping one or two syllables in the middle.Examples:fo'c'sle for forecastle,and Chumley for Cholmondelay.They don't order Worcestershire sauce in Wooster,Mass.
Usually the shorter and easier forms win,and extrality is likely to overtake extraterritoriality.However,parlous has an arch,archaic ring and carries a touch of the pompously bookish (like fraught),while perilous has a straightforward,sailor—take—warning feel.You won't be incorrect if you try to impress your friends with the syncopated form of perˉilous,but if you do,it's at your parl.
parlous是说明语言节缩的有趣例子。每一个雷格泰姆音乐(一种有推动力的切分节奏的音乐风格,是爵士乐的先导——译者注)或爵士乐的爱好者都知道,切分(syncopate,来自希腊语,意为“缩短,打断,中断”)就是使某一个音开始于小节中的一个轻拍子而延续到小节中的重拍子,由此而改变重音。在语法中,节缩(syncopate)就是把一个词删节或者略去中间的一两个音节。例如,将forecastle节缩成fo'c'sle,将cholmondelay节缩成chumley.在马萨诸塞州的伍斯特(Wooster),人们购买辣酱油时不说要Worcestershire sauce (见译注)。
美国马萨诸塞州的伍斯特市,在波士顿以西,人口169759人,正式拼法应为Worcester,但作者在本文中却按其读音拼作Wooster.“辣酱油”英文为Worcestershire sauce,亦称Worcester sauce.从作者将worcester拼作wooster看,那里人们大概将辣酱油写作wooster sauce.(美国《纽约时报杂志》)

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