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绩效报酬 The process of determining how much to pay executives varies from country to country, and different guidelines ex'...


The process of determining how much to pay executives varies from country to country, and different guidelines exist for companies regarding who makes the decision, how public the compensation inˉformation can be,and what factors affect the level of pay that an executive is given.
The trend around the world today is toward performance—based compensation. Execˉutive pay is wholly or in part based on the company's performance. In general, the better the company does, the more compensation the executive receive.
Japanese companies are not required to make executive pay information public, and they rarely do so. An exception is the handful of Japanese firms that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which makes them subject to U.S. disclosure standards. In general, compensˉation in Japan is usually based on seniority, although the actual compensation package is formally decided by upper management. Some firms are beginning to experiment with merit pay,but there are not yet specific compensation committees to act on beˉhalf of boards of directors.

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