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英文精解 “You are about to embark upon a great crusade,”General Eisenhower told his troops on the eve of D—Day;he lat'...


“You are about to embark upon a great crusade,”General Eisenhower told his troops on the eve of D—Day;he later titled his memoirs“Crusade in Europe.”American presidents liked that word:Thomas Jefferson launched“a crusadeagainst ignorance,”Theodore Roosevelt exhorted compatriots to“spend and be spent in an endless crusade”and F.D.R.,calling for a“new deal”in his acceptance speech at the 1932 Democratic convention,issued“a call to arms,”a“crusade to reˉstore America to its own people.”
But when George W.Bush ad—libbed that“this crusade,this war on terˉrorism,is going to take a while,”his figure of speech was widely criticized.That's because the word has a religious root,meaning“taking the cross,”and was coined in the 11th century to describe the first military expedition of the Crusaders,European Christians sent to reˉcover the Holy Land from the followers of Muhammad.The rallying—cry noun is offensive to many Muslims:three years ago,Osama bin Laden maligned U.S.forces in the Middle East as“crusader armies spreading like locusts.”
In this case,a word that has traditiˉonally been used to rally Americans was mistakenly used in the context of opposˉing a radical Muslim faction,and the White House spokesman promptly apologized.In the same way,Vice President Dick Cheney was chided for referring admiringly to Pakistanis as“Paks.”Steven Weisman of The New York Times asked,“Is it conceivable that he would have used a similar slur with the Japanese?”The shortening Paki is taken to be a slur,even when criticized as“paki—bashing,”and Paks only slightly less so.In past military cooperation with Pakistan,U.S.service members used Paks as they would use Brits or Aussies,nationality nicknames no more offensive than Yanks.Cheney probably picked up Pak in his Pentagon days,but innocent intent is an excuse only once;now he is sensitized,as are we all.
In the same way,when the proposed Pentagon label for the antiterror camˉpaign was floated out as“Operation Inˉfinite Justice,”a spokesman for the Council on American—Islamic Relations noted that such eternal retribution was“the prerogative of god.”Informed of this,Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld quickly pulled the plug on the pretentious moniker.
Who coins these terms?Nobody will step forward;instead,software called“Code Word,Nickname and Exercise Term System”is employed to avoid responsibˉility;it spits out a list of random names from which commanders can choose.This avoidance of coinage responsibility leads to national embarrassment.“Operations,”said Winston Churchill,“ought not to be described by code words which imˉply a boastful and overconfident sentimˉent.”(To Be Continued)

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