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英文精解 英文精解 INFAMY Words of the war on terror. By William Safire Another word that deserves a second look is justice.B'...



Words of the war on terror.
By William Safire

Another word that deserves a second look is justice.Both Senator John McCain and the Bush adviser Karen Hughes called for“swift justice”to be meted out to the perpetrators,ordinarily a sentiment widely shared.But the colˉumnist Charles Krauthammer wrote:“There should be no talk of bringing these people to‘swift justice.'...An open act of war demands a military response,not a judicial one.”
The leading suspect at the center of the terror campaign is Osama bin Laden.The bin,meaning“son of,”is not capped;Westerners have chosen not to capitalize the Arabic just as they have often chosen to capitalize the Hebrew Ben,which has the same meaning.This has nothing to do with correctness;it is strictly idiosyncratic convention,varying among regions and stylists.(Whenstarting a sentence with bin Laden's name,Times style calls for capitalizing it ,which then looks like a mistake.)Bin Laden has been given a shorthand,bogus title,much like vice overlord,fugitivefinancier and drug kingpin:he is terˉrorist mastermind.
The name of his organization,al—Qaeda,means“the base,”in looser modˉern Arabic,“the military headquarters.”His host in Afghanistan is the Taliban,a religio—political group whose name means“those who seek.”The Arab word talib,“student,”has been given a Persian suffix,an,which is an unusual amalgam or was a mistake.
The Taliban(proper noun construed as plural)harbor bin Laden and the base of his organization.That is now beˉcoming a political verb with a vengeance.
“We will make no distinction,”President Bush said,“between theterrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.”A key sense of the verb“to harbor is to give shelter and concealment to wrongdoers.”The next day,Bush used the noun form creˉatively:“This is an enemy that thinks its harbors are safe,but they won't be safe forever.”That was an extension of the noun's present meaning of “place of shelter,haven,port”to“place where evildoers think they are out of reach of punishment.”
Finally the word terrorist.It is rooted in the Latin terrere,“to frighten,”and the —ist was coined in France to castigate the perpetrators of the Reign of Terror.Edmund Burke in 1795 defined the word in English:“Those hell—houndscalled terrorists...are let loose on the people.”
The sternly judgmental word should not be avoided or euphemized.Nobody can accurately call those who plotted,financed and carried out the infamous mass slaughter of Sept.11 militants,resistance fighters,gunmen,partisans or guerrillas.The most precise word to describe a person or group who murders even one innocent civilian to send a political message is terrorist.

作者:威廉·萨菲尔 译者:王季良

身处这场恐怖运动中心的头号嫌疑犯是Osama bin Laden(乌萨马·本·拉丹)。名字中bin———意为“……之子”——的首字母没有大写。西方人一向不喜欢把这个阿拉伯文单词的首字母大写,就像他们往往喜欢把希伯来文单词Ben的首字母大写一样,尽管Ben与bin同义。这与何者正确毫无关系,而完全是癖好性的惯例,各个地区和文体家的做法各有不同。(在以bin Laden的名字起首的句子中,《纽约时报》的风格要求bin的首字母大写,于是显得像是个错误。)Bin Laden得到了一个代号式的、令人厌恶的称号,与vice overlord(副最高统治者)、fuˉgitive financier(逃亡的金融家)和drug kingpin(毒品总头目)颇为类似,他是terrorist mastermind(恐怖活动策划者)。
布什总统说:“我们对于采取了这些行动的恐怖分子和harbor(窝藏)他们者将不予区别对待。”动词to harbor的主要意思是“庇护和藏匿做坏事的人”。次日,布什创造性地运用了此词的名词形式,他说:“这是一个认为其harbors(窝藏地)是安全无恙的敌人,但是这些窝藏地不会永远安全无恙。”这是把这个名词目前的语义即“庇护地;避风港,海港”延伸为“做坏事者认为是惩罚鞭长莫及的地方”了。
这个严厉评断性的词语不应避而不用,也不应用委婉方式表示。对于无耻的“9·11”大屠杀事件的策划者、经费提供者和执行者,若是称他们为militants(好斗分子)、resistance fighters(抵抗战士)、gunmen(职业杀手)、partisans(忠实信徒)或guerrilas(游击队员),都不太确切。对于为了传达一个政治信息而杀人的个人或团体,哪怕只杀死一名无辜的平民,最确切的表述词语是terrorist(恐怖分子)。

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