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“命名战”(英文精解) Inheritance tax(遗产继承税———赞成征税的用语)什么时候变成了estate tax(遗产税———中性用语)?而又是谁把它改成death tax(所'...


Inheritance tax(遗产继承税———赞成征税的用语)什么时候变成了estate tax(遗产税———中性用语)?而又是谁把它改成death tax(所有英汉词典均将death tax译为遗产税,没有错,但其隐含意义有所不同,故此处只能直译为“死亡税”———译者注)的?death tax这一用语有着内在的反征税含意。
同样,是谁废弃了most favored nation(最惠国)?Most favored nation过去通常用首字母M.F.N.来表示,这是一种与the most favored nation的贸易地位相等的贸易地位。这种地位过去往往出于人权理由不给予某些国家。但是,这个用语使得事情看起来似乎中国将成为the most favored nation,而大多数人对此不赞成。因此,就把名称改成nondiscriminator y tradepractices(非歧视性贸易惯例),而谁赞成歧视来着?名称又进一步改为normal trade relations(正常贸易关系),使反对者成为主张不正常贸易关系的人,那注定要输。名称的改变有助于改变政策。
典型的例子是anti—abortion(反堕胎)者采用的词语p ro—life(珍爱生命)。这不仅以正面的用语来提出论据(而anti—a bortion不是这样),而且还使人联想到,反对者是赞成扼杀生命的。于是,反对限制堕胎的人为了替自己辩护,采用了p ro—choice(赞成选择权)这一词语。这样一来,堕胎权利就以比较有利的选择权利的面目出现了。
在中东的词语战中,巴勒斯坦人获胜。以色列把它击退入侵后获得的土地称之为Judea and Samaria(犹地亚和撒马利亚),这是这片土地的古称。阿拉伯世界则喜欢把这块土地称为West Bank(西岸),因为它位于曾经是外约旦国境内的约旦河的西岸。以色列方面一度曾向后退缩,将其称为administered territories(管辖的领土),后来又退一步,称其为dis p uted territories(有争议的领土),但是几乎所有的传媒都采用West Bank这一称谓,以与以色列本土相区别,称其为Judea and Samaria的任何坚持传统的称呼法现在已被人们视为古怪的或是有倾向性的。
记得g lobal warmin g(全球气候变暖)曾是一个有激烈争议的用语吗?在伟大的改名者突然一声命令下,g lobal warmin g的用语遭到扼杀,g lobal climate chan g e(全球气候变化)取而代之。没有作出任何解释,没有任何争辩,命令下达了,争辩双方人人都步伐完全一致地开步走。
马丁·托尔钦主办的充满活力的华盛顿周刊《国会山》报道说:“国会最新的语义潮流即将把fast track trade authorit y(贸易快速审批权)更名为trade p romotion authorit y(贸易促进权),即T.P.A.”fast track两字显然使太多的共和党人联想到克林顿执政时代。
加州共和党众议员戴维·德赖尔规定,他手下的工作人员若有人使用fast track这一禁忌语,每次须在一个钱罐里投进一美元。过去他的手下人员不慎说出most favored nation三个字时,他用来罚他们以强迫其使用normal traderelations的,也就是这个钱罐。(《纽约时报杂志》) 
By William Safire
W hen did the inheritance tax(a p ro—taxin g term)become the estate tax(a neu-tral term)?And who chan g ed it to the death tax,which has a built—in anti—tax messa g e?
In the same wa y,who abolished most f avored nation?M.F.N.,as it used to be initialized,was a trade status e q ual to that of the most f avored nation———which was denied to certain countries,often for human ri g hts reasons.But the p hrase made it seem as if China,for exam p le,would become the most f avored nation———and most p eo p le did not favor that.So the name was chan g ed to nondiscriminator ytra de p ractices———and who was in favor of discrimination?The name was chan g ed further to normal trade relations,leavin g o pp onents to es p ouse abnormal relations,a loser.The name chan g es hel p ed chan g e the p olic y.
The classic exa m p le was p ro—li f e,ado p ted b y those who were anti—abortion.This not onl y p ut the case in p ositive terms(which anti—abortion did not)but also su gg ested that the o pp osition was p ro—death.In their defense,p eo p le who o pp osed restrictions on abortion ado p ted the term p ro—choice.Thus a ri g ht to abort was p resented in the more favorable li g ht of a ri g ht to choose.
In the war of words in the Middle East,the Palestinians won.Israel referred to the land g ained after it re p elled invasions as Judea and Samaria,the ancient names of the land.The Arab world p referred the West Bank,situated on the west bank of the Jordan river in what had been Trans—Jordan.For a time,the Israelis fell back to the administered territories and later to the dis p uted territories,but almost all the media ado p ted West Bank as distinct from Israel p ro p er,and an y traditionalist reference to Judea and Samaria is now considered q uaint or slanted.
Remember when g lobal warming was a hotl y dis puted phrase?At the sudden order of the Great Namechan g er,g loba l warming was iced and g lobal climate chan g e took its p lace.No ex p lanation;no ar g ument;the order came down,and ever y bod y on both sides of that ar g ument marched off in lock ste p.
“The latest semantic fashion in Con g ress.”re p orts The Hill,Martin Tolchin's livel y Washin g ton weekl y,”is renamin g f ast track trade authorit y as trade p romotion authorit y,or T.P.A.”Fast track a pp arentl y reminds too man y Re p ublicans of the Clinton era.
Re p resentative David Dreier,a California Re-p ublican,req uires his staff to p ut a dollar in a j ar ever y time one of them uses the taboo term f ast track.It's the same j ar he used to co-erce his minions into usin g normal trade relations when the y blurted out most f avored nation. 

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