
Unilateralist Quick, Henry,the emollient(英文精解)

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Unilateralist Quick, Henry,the emollient(英文精解) “I ho&nbspp&nbspe the notion of a unilateral a&nbsppp&nbsproach'...

Unilateralist Quick, Henry,the emollient(英文精解)

“I ho p e the notion of a unilateral a pp roach died in some p eo p le's minds here toda y.”President Geor g e W. Bush told a NATO news conference in Brussels,bridlin g at havin g been saddled with the dirt y di p lomatic word.“Unilateralists don't come around the table to listen to others. ... Unilateralists don't ask o p inions of world leaders.”In case an-y bod y didn't g et his p oint,he g ave a definition:“A unilateralist is one that doesn't understand the role of NATO.”Were it not for the g host of the Nixonian“I am not a crook,”he would surel y have added,“I am not a unilateralist.”
W h y the revulsion at this word?Because the ad j ective means“undertaken b y one,”which is di p lomaticall y q uite incorrect,or “one—sided,”which carries an overtone of arro g ance.Born in botan y to describe a cluster of flowers g rowin g on one side of a stalk,it bloomed in di p lolin g o a half centur y a g o:“Unilateralism,to coin one more g obbled y g ook term,”wrote Arthur Schlesin g er Jr.in 1951 in its dis p ara g ement,“has be-come the new isolationism.Go it alone;meet force with maximum force;there is no substitute for vic-tor y...these are the tenets of the new faith.”
A y ear a g o,Senator Jose p h Biden,now the Democratic chairman of forei g n relations,ta gg ed the G.O.P ticket as“unilateralists if not isolationists.”That was the theme that France's Prime Minister,Lionel Jos p in,p icked u p this s p rin g:“This is not an isolationist administration as has been the case before in the Re p ublican tra-dition,”he noted.“This is more like a unilateralist administration.”
Uni means“one”;multi means“man y.”A few y ears a g o,Re p ublicans were criticizin g the Clinton administration for bein g too multilateral,followin g the lead of the U.N.and other g rou p s of nations.Just as the uni p refix im p lies arro g ance,multi im p lies meekness,re q uirin g Clinton's secretar y of state,Madeleine Albri g ht,to come u p with a toug hening modifier:“assertive multilateralism.”
Rather than reachin g for a softenin g q ualifier (“ac quiescent unilateralism”lea p s to mind)and des p ite an o p enin g offered b y the Euro p ean trade commissioner,Pascal Lam y(“One man's unilateralism is another's determined leadershi p”),the Bush team decided to den y it flatl y.Its p referred self—descri p tion is neither iso-lationist nor interventionist,but “internationalist.”
As the smoothin g—over was decided on,one word muscled its wa y into vo g ue:emollient.In The New York Times in December,R. W. A pp le Jr.and Steven Erlan g er se p aratel y wrote of“emollient words”used b y Bush to soften hard lines.Last month,British anal y sts became entranced with the word:“At his first ma j or meetin g with ske p tical Euro p ean leaders,”wrote Anton La Guardia in The Dail y Tele g ra p h,“Mr. Bush struck an emollient note.”M y collea g ue in column y,Anthon y Lewis,who I sus p ect reads the British p ress,noted that“the emollient Bush words about lovin g the environment did not match the realit y of the administration's destructive actions.”
Get to know this soothin g locution,both noun and ad j ective,which is not nearl y as stin g in g as“astrin g ent”and is the o pp osite of“abrasive.”The Latin molli is“soft”;Alexander Po p e wrote in 1727 of p oetr y's“emollients and o piates.”Pour it over y our unilateralism,rub it in and coz y the world alon g.

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