

字号+作者:陈一文顾问 来源:陈一文顾问的博客 2015-03-26 09:12 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

   《阿根廷儿科档案》发表了阿根廷Río Cuarto国立大学自然科学系遗传与环境性突变组团队论文《评估Córdoba省暴露于农药儿童'...

   《阿根廷儿科档案》发表了阿根廷Río Cuarto国立大学自然科学系遗传与环境性突变组团队论文《评估Córdoba省暴露于农药儿童遗传物质损伤水平》揭示:暴露于农药的一组儿童的遗传损伤,比未暴露组儿童高44%。这些转基因大豆种植区域最普遍使用的农药为草甘膦、氯氰菊酯与毒死蜱。居住在农药喷洒区域500米距离以内受暴露的50位儿童中,有20位(40%)有不同程度持久性症状,如重复打喷嚏、呼吸窘迫、咳嗽、支气管痉挛、皮肤瘙痒或污迹、鼻子瘙痒或流血、流泪、眼睛和耳朵灼热或瘙痒。未暴露于农药的儿童没有一个有这些持久性症状。研究者们结论:“这些儿童如此小阶段期间环境性因素暴露影响的证据如此强,使我们必须采取所有可能努力消除对怀孕妇女与儿童的这些暴露,以便保护他们现在与未来的健康。8dK品论天涯网



  Children in GM soy-growing area of Argentina have genetic damage8dK品论天涯网



  Original media article in Spanish:8dK品论天涯网



  Highlight: Damage to DNA is 44% higher than in unexposed children.8dK品论天涯网



  Children exposed to pesticides sprayed in a GM soy-producing region of Argentina have genetic damage, a team of researchers from the National University of Río Cuarto, Cordoba (UNRC), found in a new study.8dK品论天涯网

  阿根廷转基因大豆种植区域暴露于农药喷洒的儿童有遗传损伤,阿根廷Río Cuarto国立大学的学者团队在一项新的研究中发现。8dK品论天涯网


  The study compared 50 children living in the town of Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) at different distances from pesticide-sprayed areas with 25 children from the city of Río Cuarto (Córdoba), who were considered not to be exposed to pesticides.8dK品论天涯网

  该项研究对居住在Córdoba Marcos Juárez镇离开农药喷洒区域不同距离的50位儿童,与CórdobaRío Cuarto市不暴露于农药的25位儿童,进行了比较。8dK品论天涯网




  Assessment of the level of damage to the genetic material of children exposed to pesticides in the province of Córdoba8dK品论天涯网

  Natalia Gentile, B.S., Fernando Mañas, M.D., Álvaro Méndez, M.D., Nora Gorla, M.D., and Delia Aiassa, M.D. Arch Argent Pediatr 2015;113(2):126-1328dK品论天涯网

  Natalia Gentile et al.,评估Córdoba省暴露于农药儿童遗传物质损伤水平,阿根廷儿科档案,2015;113(2):126-1328dK品论天涯网



  Genetic damage in the group of exposed children in Marcos Juárez was 44% higher than in the unexposed children in Río Cuarto.8dK品论天涯网

  Marcos Juárez镇暴露于农药的一组儿童的遗传损伤,比未暴露的Río Cuarto市的未暴露组儿童高44%8dK品论天涯网


  The most commonly used pesticides in the region are glyphosate, cypermethrin, and chlorpyrifos.8dK品论天涯网



  A significant difference was found between exposed children living less than 500m from areas subjected to spraying and those who were not exposed.8dK品论天涯网



  Forty percent of exposed children suffered some type of persistent condition, which may be associated with chronic exposure to pesticides.8dK品论天涯网



  Of the exposed children, 20 (40%) had varying persistent symptoms, such as repetitive sneezing, respiratory distress, cough, bronchospasm, skin itching or stains, nose itching or bleeding, lacrimation, and eye and ear burning or itching.8dK品论天涯网



  None of the children who had not been exposed described any persistent symptoms.8dK品论天涯网



  The level of genetic damage detected in this experiment is reversible, so the authors suggested that the children should be followed up to establish whether biological markers of cell damage continue to be present.8dK品论天涯网



  The study was conducted by Delia Aiassa, Fernando Mañas, Natalí Bernardi, Natalia Gentile, Álvaro Méndez, Dardo Roma and Nora Gorla. All are members of the Genetic and Environmental Mutagenesis Group (GEMA) at the Department of Natural Sciences Faculty of the UNRC.8dK品论天涯网

  该项研究的学者为Delia AiassaFernando MañasNatalí BernardiNatalia GentileÁlvaro MéndezDardo RomaNora Gorla。他们都是阿根廷Río Cuarto国立大学自然科学系遗传与环境性突变组(GEMA)的成员。8dK品论天涯网


  The lead researcher, Delia Aiassa, said she chose to study children because they are still developing, and genetic damage at this age can influence their health as adults.8dK品论天涯网



  "Among the adverse effects that can be studied in children exposed to various environmental hazards, cytogenetic damage [damage to the structure and function of the cell, especially chromosomes] received special attention after it was shown that increased frequency of DNA damage to chromosomes in childhood is predictive of the development of cancer in adults," Aiassa said.8dK品论天涯网



  Aiassa said that environmental effects that may arise many years, even decades, after exposure, can be monitored in childhood through cytogenetic studies.8dK品论天涯网



  She warned that in adult monitoring, one of the difficult problems to overcome is the effect of confounding factors that interfere with the analysis of the results, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and occupational risk. She stressed that these confounding factors are minimized or even absent in childhood.8dK品论天涯网



  Nonetheless, children whose parents or relatives were smokers, consumed coffee or tea in excess, used medication for chronic diseases, had been exposed to X-rays in the past 6 months, or had been exposed to contaminants in drinking water or to other environmental pollutants close to their place of residence, were excluded because they were considered confounding factors.8dK品论天涯网



  The researchers concluded, “Evidence of the effects of environmental exposure at an early age is so strong that all possible efforts should be made to eliminate such exposures in pregnant women and children, to protect their present and future health.”8dK品论天涯网






  Media article in Spanish:8dK品论天涯网




  Study in English:8dK品论天涯网




  Assessment of the level of damage to the genetic material of children exposed to pesticides in the province of Córdoba8dK品论天涯网

  Natalia Gentile, B.S., Fernando Mañas, M.D., Álvaro Méndez, M.D., Nora Gorla, M.D., and Delia Aiassa, M.D.,Arch Argent Pediatr 2015;113(2):126-1328dK品论天涯网

  Natalia Gentile et al.,评估Córdoba省暴露于农药儿童遗传物质损伤水平,阿根廷儿科档案,2015;113(2):126-1328dK品论天涯网









  In the past decades, several authors have investigated the genotoxicity caused by exposure to chemicals, but there are no reports on studies analyzing such effects on children in Argentina. The objective of this study was to establish the micronucleus frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells in children from urban areas with environmental exposure (through inhalation) and to compare it with the micronucleus frequency in children from urban regions far from areas subjected to spraying.8dK品论天涯网



  Population and Methods.8dK品论天涯网



  Fifty children living in the town of Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) at different distances from pesticide spraying areas and twenty-five children from the city of Río Cuarto (Córdoba), who are considered not exposed to pesticides, were studied; the micronucleus assay in buccal mucosa cells was used.8dK品论天涯网

  对于CórdobaMarcos Juárez镇距离农药喷洒区域不同距离的50位儿童,以及居住在CórdobaRío Cuarto市认为不暴露于农药的25位儿童进行了研究;在颊粘膜细胞中使用微核测定。8dK品论天涯网





  A significant difference was observed between exposed children living less than 500m from areas subjected to spraying and those who were not exposed. Forty percent of exposed children suffer some type of persistent condition, which may be associated with chronic exposure to pesticides.8dK品论天涯网






  Results indicate that genotoxicity is present in a group of children compared to the other one, and highlight the importance of the micronucleus assay in buccal mucosa cells for genetic biomonitoring and public health surveillance. This assay is capable of detecting a level of damage that can be reversible.8dK品论天涯网


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