

字号+作者:顾秀林 来源:新浪博客 2014-09-29 15:31 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

  顾秀林: 极其精彩的文章,实在来不及翻译。先起一个头。多么需要好的生物学学者参与。为了这篇文章,伪军大队会向我开炮的。有种的去轰炸詹姆斯.夏皮罗'...

  顾秀林 极其精彩的文章,实在来不及翻译。先起一个头。多么需要好的生物学学者参与。为了这篇文章,伪军大队会向我开炮的。有种的去轰炸詹姆斯.夏皮罗。4s8品论天涯网







  演化是天然的基因工程 来ISIS http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Evolution_by_Natural_Genetic_Engineering.php4s8品论天涯网


  1. 切割加混合 vs 随机事件4s8品论天涯网

  美国芝加哥大学詹姆斯.夏皮罗,早在1980年代就以新遗传学的“流动基因组“学说”动摇了基因学说的根基。(2,4,5:与流动的基因组一起生存, ISIS刊发)。 半个世纪以来,老式基因学说的原理一个又一个成了“例外”,终于有一天,例外的数量超过了还能成立的规则。在发表于1997年的论文中[1], 夏皮罗雄辩地挑战了新达尔文主义的“法则”:即演化出自于随机突变基础上的自然选择...(Shapiro made a powerful case against the neo-Darwinian dogma that evolution occurs by the natural selection of random mutations.)......4s8品论天涯网


  2. 适应性突变中有精确的天然基因工程特征4s8品论天涯网

  ‘Adaptive’ mutations involve features of precise natural genetic engineering4s8品论天涯网


  3. 在一篇新论文中,夏皮罗把基因组和计算机并列,清晰地演示了二者的异同,纠正了对基因组的很多误解——“人们一直把基因组当作ROM--只读存储,出现改变是因为转录错误和事故(注7 第258页), 我改变视角,把基因组理解为计算机的读写数据(RW),它常规性地被细胞的操作进行修饰修饰并命名。”4s8品论天涯网



  ISIS Report 02/06/144s8品论天涯网

  New Genetics and Evolution4s8品论天涯网

  Evolution by Natural Genetic Engineering4s8品论天涯网



  New findings in genetics show that evolution happens by precisely targeted4s8品论天涯网

  natural genetic engineering and not by the natural selection of random4s8品论天涯网

  mutations, says leading molecular biologist James Shapiro, but what are the4s8品论天涯网

  implications for the safety of GMOs and social policies? Dr Mae Wan Ho4s8品论天涯网


  Cut and splice vs random accidents4s8品论天涯网


  I have been awaiting his latest papers for years ever since he first introduced4s8品论天涯网

  the concept of ‘natural genetic engineering’ in 1997 [1], referring to organisms4s8品论天涯网

  themselves using ‘cut and splice’ techniques to meet environmental challenges,4s8品论天涯网

  same as those used by human genetic engineers in the lab. It was a major4s8品论天涯网

  inspiration for my book [2] Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare? (ISIS4s8品论天涯网

  publication) warning of dangers from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)4s8品论天涯网

  released into the environment.4s8品论天涯网


  James Shapiro at University of Chicago Illinois in the United States is among4s8品论天涯网

  the pioneers who discovered the new genetics of the ‘fluid genome’ that, by the4s8品论天涯网

  early 1980s, had already shaken the scientific establishment to its roots [3]4s8品论天涯网

  (see also [2, 4], [5] Living with the Fluid Genome, ISIS publication). All the4s8品论天涯网

  basic tenets of conventional genetics that had dominated science and society for4s8品论天涯网

  at least half a century were being eroded by exceptions upon exceptions, until4s8品论天涯网

  the exceptions outnumbered and overwhelmed the rules.4s8品论天涯网


  In his 1997 paper [1], Shapiro made a powerful case against the neo-Darwinian4s8品论天涯网

  dogma that evolution occurs by the natural selection of random mutations.4s8品论天涯网

  Bacterial genomes typically have a modular structure consisting of sets of genes4s8品论天涯网

  (operons) expressed together. Operons have a characteristic internal structure,4s8品论天涯网

  with coding regions for regulator protein(s), structural/enzyme proteins and4s8品论天涯网

  several control elements. Every protein coding sequence in turn contains several4s8品论天涯网

  domains each with a defined function. Many operons are dispersed throughout the4s8品论天涯网

  genome, equipped with different combinations of similar regulatory/control4s8品论天涯网

  genetic elements and forming overlapping, often extensive ‘regulons’ (gene4s8品论天涯网

  expression networks) finely tuned to different stages of cell growth and4s8品论天涯网

  development and changing environmental conditions. Staggering multitudes of4s8品论天涯网

  protein-effector, protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and nucleic acid-4s8品论天涯网

  nucleic acid interactions are involved, all highly specific for every occasion.4s8品论天涯网

  Not surprisingly, genomes have special mechanisms for correcting base sequence4s8品论天涯网

  errors during DNA replication.4s8品论天涯网


  It is extremely hard to imagine how such a genome could have been assembled or4s8品论天涯网

  changed piece-meal by the natural selection of independently occurring random4s8品论天涯网

  mutations in different genetic elements. On the other hand, a simple copying4s8品论天涯网

  (amplification) process followed by cut and splice different sequence elements4s8品论天涯网

  together would be easily accomplished. Cells have all the enzymes and cofactors4s8品论天涯网

  required for such feats of natural genetic engineering. In fact, artificial4s8品论天涯网

  genetic engineering is possible only by using the enzymes isolated from the4s8品论天涯网

  bacteria themselves, albeit without the precision and finesse of natural genetic4s8品论天涯网



  ‘Adaptive’ mutations involve features of precise natural genetic engineering4s8品论天涯网


  Shapiro discovered ‘adaptive’ mutations in bacteria (recently confirmed, see [6]4s8品论天涯网

  Non-Random Directed Mutations Confirmed, SiS 60). He investigated an E. coli4s8品论天涯网

  system that depends on generating a fusion lacZ protein, the b-galactosidase4s8品论天涯网

  that breaks down lactose to galactose and glucose. The bacterial virus (phage)4s8品论天涯网

  Mu was used to construct a strain in which a defective lacZ coding sequence4s8品论天涯网

  without its promoter - a control element required for transcription - and4s8品论天涯网

  carrying an ochre triplet (a stop codon) at codon 17 - so the transcript cannot4s8品论天涯网

  be translated fully - was aligned in tandem with another coding sequence araB4s8品论天涯网

  (from the arabinose operon) that has an intact promoter [1]. In that way, a4s8品论天涯网

  precise deletion of intervening sequence is needed to form the fusion b-4s8品论天涯网

  galactosidase protein capable of functioning to break down lactose and enable4s8品论天涯网

  the cell to growth on a selective medium with lactose as the sole carbon source.4s8品论天涯网


  Shapiro originally thought that the Mu prophage (phage integrated into the4s8品论天涯网

  bacterial genome) would be the passive source of homology (sequence similarity)4s8品论天涯网

  to enable the fusion to take place by homologous recombination to loop out the4s8品论天涯网

  intervening sequence, and such ‘spontaneous’ break-rejoin events would generate4s8品论天涯网

  the actual fusions by removing all blocks to transcription and translation4s8品论天涯网

  between araB and a site in lacZ downstream of the ochre triplet codon. But4s8品论天涯网

  detailed studies showed that the Mu prophage played an active role in the araB-4s8品论天涯网

  LacZ fusions using its transposase enzyme, and the process was precisely4s8品论天涯网

  regulated by the cell. Many different proteins and DNA sequences have to come4s8品论天涯网

  together in choreographed succession to form and rearrange the nucleoprotein4s8品论天涯网

  complexes necessary for directing the precise cut and splice operations. A large4s8品论天涯网

  number of the molecular players have been identified since. In other words, the4s8品论天涯网

  fusion events happen as the result of accurate natural genetic engineering4s8品论天涯网

  carried out by the E. coli cell.4s8品论天涯网


  As mobile genetic elements like Mu are found in all organisms, Shapiro thought4s8品论天涯网

  it reasonable to hypothesize that the regulatory aspects of the mutational4s8品论天涯网

  process exemplified by the araB-LacZ system might apply generally to other4s8品论天涯网

  examples of adaptive mutations (see [6]) and described the numerous cellular4s8品论天涯网

  functions involved in different cases. He wrote [1, p.103]: “The depth of4s8品论天涯网

  regulatory interactions between cellular signal transduction networks and4s8品论天涯网

  natural genetic engineering systems is likely to prove typical rather than4s8品论天涯网



  Natural genetic engineering has large implications for evolution, Shapiro4s8品论天涯网

  pointed out. First, large scale coordinated changes within the genomes of single4s8品论天涯网

  cells are possible because a particular natural genetic engineering system can4s8品论天涯网

  be activated to operate at multiple sites in the genome. Second, there is4s8品论天涯网

  opportunity for adaptive feedback to make genetic changes, thereby greatly4s8品论天涯网

  accelerating evolutionary change during episodes of crisis.4s8品论天涯网


  From ROM to RW genome4s8品论天涯网


  In his new papers, Shapiro draws an illuminating parallel between the genome and4s8品论天涯网

  the computer [7, 8]; at the same time correcting some widely held misconceptions4s8品论天涯网

  about the genome.4s8品论天涯网


  “The genome has traditionally been treated as a Read-Only Memory (ROM) subject4s8品论天涯网

  to change by copying errors and accidents.” Shapiro writes [7, p. 268]: “I4s8品论天涯网

  propose that we need to change that perspective and understand the genome as an4s8品论天涯网

  intricately formatted Read-Write (RW) data storage system constantly subject to4s8品论天涯网

  cellular modifications and inscriptions.”4s8品论天涯网


  The ROM view of the genome is encapsulated by Sydney Brenner in his 2012 Alan4s8品论天涯网

  Turing Centennial tribute [9]: “Turing’s ideas were carried further in the 1940s4s8品论天涯网

  by mathematician and engineer John von Neumann, who conceived of a ‘constructor’4s8品论天涯网

  machine capable of assembling another according to a description. A universal4s8品论天涯网

  constructor with its own description would build a machine like itself. To4s8品论天涯网

  complete the task, the universal constructor needs to copy its description and4s8品论天涯网

  insert the copy into the offspring machine. Von Neumann noted that if the4s8品论天涯网

  copying machine made errors, these ‘mutations’ would provide inheritable changes4s8品论天涯网

  to the progeny.”4s8品论天涯网


  This static mechanical view of the genome is a far cry from reality. Even to4s8品论天涯网

  reproduce a single protein – originally conceptualised as a single message –4s8品论天涯网

  requires elaborate cut and splice operations. The international research4s8品论天涯网

  consortium project ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) data have revealed that4s8品论天涯网

  the vast majority of genomic DNA include many ‘non-coding’ segments [10, 11].4s8品论天涯网

  The term ‘gene’, a theoretical construct that has never been possible to define4s8品论天涯网

  rigorously, is now known to be scattered in bits across the genome, overlapping4s8品论天涯网

  with bits of multiple genes that have to be spliced together to make a messenger4s8品论天涯网

  (m)RNA for translation into protein. The term now used for the bits is ‘coding4s8品论天涯网

  sequences’ or exons.4s8品论天涯网


  The Turing tape analogy does not take into account the actual physical4s8品论天涯网

  participation of the genome in productive and regulatory interactions. The4s8品论天涯网

  concept of a Read-Only Turing genome also fails to recognize the essential4s8品论天涯网

  ‘Write’ capability of a universal Turing machine, which fits remarkably well4s8品论天涯网

  with the ability of cells to make temporary or permanent inscriptions in DNA.4s8品论天涯网


  (Of course, it is by no means all down to the genome. A genome outside a cell4s8品论天涯网

  can do nothing. The numerous claims that synthetic biologists have created life4s8品论天涯网

  in the laboratory are spurious, as they all depend on putting a synthetic genome4s8品论天涯网

  into a pre-existing cell [12] (Synthetic Life? Not By a Long Shot, SiS 47).4s8品论天涯网

  Moreover, it is not so much the cell, but rather the nature of living protoplasm4s8品论天涯网

  that keeps eluding our grasp [13, 14] The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of4s8品论天涯网

  Organisms, and Living Rainbow H2O, ISIS publications.)4s8品论天涯网


  Shapiro [1, 7, 8] distinguishes modifications of DNA (rearrangements, deletions,4s8品论天涯网

  insertions, mutations) - which he regards as natural genetic engineering proper4s8品论天涯网

  - from epigenetic changes involving DNA/histone marks, or via non-coding RNA4s8品论天涯网

  species that occur constantly in real time within the life cycle of the cell or4s8品论天涯网

  organism. In my view, this distinction is artificial. There is no real4s8品论天涯网

  separation between epigenetic and genetic; they form one seamless continuum in4s8品论天涯网

  molecular mechanisms that interact with one another directly. In a further paper4s8品论天涯网

  [15], Shapiro himself proposes that during ‘life history events’ such as4s8品论天涯网

  hybridization and chromosome doubling, viral or bacterial infections, exposure4s8品论天涯网

  to environmental toxins, etc., epigenetic changes are often accompanied by4s8品论天涯网

  mobilization of transposable elements that change the genome. And non-coding4s8品论天涯网

  RNAs (ncRNAs) are involved in mobilizing transposons and in targeting specific4s8品论天涯网

  changes in chromatin, the DNA histone protein complex that forms a chromosome.4s8品论天涯网

  Another common connection between epigenetic and genome change is that4s8品论天涯网

  processed, alternatively spliced RNA can be reversed transcribed and inserted4s8品论天涯网

  into the genome. On the other hand, certain altered (reformatted) states of4s8品论天涯网

  /chromatin can be passed on to subsequent generations; i.e., they are inherited4s8品论天涯网

  like a mutation. And various species of interference RNA can also act4s8品论天涯网

  independently as genetic material to perpetrate epigenetic changes across many4s8品论天涯网

  generations, as part and parcel of the hereditary legacy of the organism (see4s8品论天涯网

  [16] RNA Inheritance of Acquired Characters, SiS 63). In the new genetics of the4s8品论天涯网

  ‘fluid genome’, the genome is no longer the constant and unchanging entity4s8品论天涯网

  previously assumed. Hence I use the term “natural genetic modification” for the4s8品论天涯网

  totality of changes in the genetic information of cells and organisms as they4s8品论天涯网

  experience their environments that are all necessary for survival, and some of4s8品论天涯网

  which are passed on to the next generation(s) [17].4s8品论天涯网


  We shall follow Shapiro’s story [7, 8] on actual modifications of DNA base4s8品论天涯网

  sequence and the genome structure before dealing with implications on artificial4s8品论天涯网

  genetic modification and for society in general. The rest of this series of4s8品论天涯网

  articles will elaborate on the epigenetic aspects of natural genetic4s8品论天涯网



  Read the rest of this report here4s8品论天涯网



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