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陈一文 作者:迈克尔•安东尼奥 约翰•法甘 克莱尔•罗宾森 陈一文 翻译 沈阳 校对 营养学教授、分子生物学家与作者玛'...




作者:迈克尔•安东尼奥 约翰•法甘 克莱尔•罗宾森 nIn品论天涯网

陈一文 翻译 沈阳 校对nIn品论天涯网

营养学教授、分子生物学家与作者玛丽昂•耐斯利(Marion Nestle)就欧洲、美国转基因工程师撰写的综述报告《转基因神话及其真相》一文给了高度评价,她写道:“这是距今为止我所见到的批评转基因食品问题方面研究、充分综述的最好报告。转基因的支持者能否提出同样好研究、综合性与有说服力的报告?我对此表示怀疑,但希望他们也能够做出同样的努力。此外,这份报告也给出需要将转基因食品零售实行标识提供足够的理由。以便于消费者有知情权作出选择。”nIn品论天涯网


原文:Professor of nutrition, molecular biologist and author Marion Nestle has praised the new report, GMO Myths and Truths (see above), in her blog, saying, "This is the best-researched and most comprehensive review I've seen of the criticisms of GM foods. Can the pro-GM advocates produce something equally well researched, comprehensive, and compelling? I doubt it but I'd like to see them try. In the meantime, this report provides plenty of justification for the need to label GM foods. Consumers have the right to choose. To do that, we need to know." For this reason, recommend all individuals, regardless those support, argue against or not so familiar to GM foods, carefully consider the 30 points of the report listed below, as well as the following papers giving detailed explanation to each of the points.nIn品论天涯网


Dr Michael AntoniounIn品论天涯网

《转基因神话及其真相》的作者:迈克尔•安东尼奥博士(Michael Antoniou)是分子遗传学研究者,英国国王学院伦敦医学院基因表达与疗法负责人。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Michael Antoniou, PhD, is reader in molecular genetics and head, Gene Expression and Therapy Group, King’s College London School of Medicine, London, UK.nIn品论天涯网


Dr John FagannIn品论天涯网


原文:John Fagan, PhD, is a leading authority on sustainability in the food system, biosafety, and GMO testing. He is founder and chief scientific officer of Global ID Group, a company with subsidiaries involved in GMO food testing and GMO-free certification. He is a director of Earth Open Source. Earlier, he conducted cancer research at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and in academia. He holds a PhD in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology from Cornell University.nIn品论天涯网


Claire RobinsonnIn品论天涯网


原文:Claire Robinson, MPhil, is research director at Earth Open Source. She has a background in investigative reporting and the communication of topics relating to public health, science and policy, and the environment.nIn品论天涯网


   原文:“Why genetically engineered food is dangerous – New report by genetic engineers” provides more introductions to the authors:nIn品论天涯网

《转基因神话及其真相》30个新闻要点 (30 news points from the report “GMO Myths and Truths”)nIn品论天涯网

1. 农作物品种培育过程使用转基因工程是一项不精确、或者说不可预料、缺乏安全性保障的技术。这种技术能导致所产的食物中形成对人畜有害毒素或者成为致敏原,更为可怕的是,现在尚未有足够的监测手段找到这些危险因子。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Genetic engineering as used in crop development is not precise or predictable and has not been shown to be safe. The technique can result in the unexpected production of toxins or allergens in food that are unlikely to be spotted in current regulatory checks. nIn品论天涯网

2. 有证据显示,包括已经进入我们人类食品与畜禽饲料食物链供应的一些转基因农作物品种,在动物喂食试验中有明显毒害效果,主要是干扰肝功能、肾功能以及破坏正常的免疫反应。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM crops, including some that are already in our food and animal feed supply, have shown clear signs of toxicity in animal feeding trials – notably disturbances in liver and kidney function and immune responses.nIn品论天涯网

3. 转基因支持者们以“非生物学相关/显著”为理由不认可这些达到统计学“显著”差异的临床发现,他们的论据是在现有科学理论上站不住脚。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM proponents have dismissed these statistically significant findings as “not biologically relevant/significant”, based on scientifically indefensible arguments.nIn品论天涯网

4. 欧盟动物饲料委员会曾经进行某种转基因食品与转基因作物做了临床试验,其结果被转基因支持者声称都是安全的。然后,经过对这些临床研究的事实再审核时发现:喂食转基因饲料动物同不喂食转基因饲料对照动物之间,健康状况存在令人不安的统计学显著差异。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Certain EU-commissioned animal feeding trials with GM foods and crops are often claimed by GM proponents to show they are safe. In fact, examination of these studies shows significant differences between the GM-fed and control animals that give cause for concern.nIn品论天涯网


原文: GM foods have not been properly tested in humans, but the few studies that have been carried out in humans give cause for concern. nIn品论天涯网

6. 美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)并不要求转基因作物进行强制性安全试验,甚至不评估转基因作物的安全性问题,而只是对转基因作物“解除监管”,依据是转基因生物技术公司保证转基因作物与非转基因对应作物“实质等同”!“实质等同”如此说词缺乏严谨的科学证据支持,这就好比说患有疯牛病(BSE)的牛与未患疯牛病的牛也“实质等同”一样,因而告诉大家:“疯牛病牛可以安全食用!”的道理。nIn品论天涯网

原文: The US FDA does not require mandatory safety testing of GM crops, and does not even assess the safety of GM crops but only “deregulates” them, based on assurances from biotech companies that they are “substantially equivalent” to their non-GM counterparts. This is like claiming that a cow with BSE is substantially equivalent to a cow that does not have BSE and is thus safe to eat! Claims of substantial equivalence cannot be justified on scientific grounds.nIn品论天涯网

7. 美国几乎不建立转基因食品监管体系。美国人不对转基因食品安全性进行评估,法规也不要求在超市销售的转基因食品加上标识。但在世界其他地区的政府,都在政策上要求销售转基因食品必须加上标识,提醒公众食用转基因食品对身体健康潜在有害影响。nIn品论天涯网

原文: The regulatory regime for GM foods is weakest in the US, where GM foods do not even have to be assessed for safety or labelled in the marketplace, but in most regions of the world regulations are inadequate to protect people’s health from the potential adverse effects of GM foods.nIn品论天涯网

8. 欧盟区各国对转基因食物与饲料采用较为严格的监管制度,包括,进入欧盟区市场前必须进行安全性试验。问题出在这种安全性试验是由转基因食物与饲料的商业公司自己进行,这种监管制度形同虚设。nIn品论天涯网

原文:In the EU, where the regulatory system is often claimed to be strict, minimal pre-market testing is required for a GMO and the tests are commissioned by the same companies that stand to profit from the GMO if it is approved – a clear conflict of interest.nIn品论天涯网

9. 全球的转基因食品与饲料监管制度都存在一个漏洞,即不要求在动物或者人群中进行转基因食品与饲料长期毒理学试验。nIn品论天涯网

原文:No long-term toxicological testing of GMOs on animals or testing on humans is required by any regulatory agency in the world.nIn品论天涯网

10. 转基因生物技术公司利用专利条款及知识产权保护法律政策,限制独立研究者为研究目的获得转基因作物材料。造成转基因产业以外的独立科学家难以将转基因与非转基因作物(食品及饲料)安全性研究所得到的研究结果备受限制。此外,那些坚持从事转基因生物安全性研究工作的科学家也一直担心,会遭到来自转基因产业有组织地抵毁声誉活动的攻击。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Biotech companies have used patent claims and intellectual property protection laws to restrict access of independent researchers to GM crops for research purposes. As a result, limited research has been conducted on GM foods and crops by scientists who are independent of the GM industry. Scientists whose work has raised concerns about the safety of GMOs have been attacked and discredited in orchestrated campaigns by GM crop promoters.nIn品论天涯网

11. 大部分转基因作物(超过75%)必须喷洒除草剂才能表达功能。但凡种植这种转基因作物的地方,都因此造成除草剂的使用量大幅度增加。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Most GM crops (over 75%) are engineered to tolerate applications of herbicides. Where such GM crops have been adopted, they have led to massive increases in herbicide use. nIn品论天涯网

12. 称为“农达(Roundup)”的草甘膦除草剂,是全球种植超过50%转基因作物激活功能的惟一除草剂,临床报告已经证明,它并不像厂商所宣传的那样安全或者对人畜有益,在动物试验中发现“农达”能引致畸形(先天性缺陷)、造成生殖障碍、引致DNA损伤与癌症。在人群流行病学研究中则发现:草甘膦除草剂 “农达”与流产、出生缺陷、初生儿神经发育障碍、DNA损伤,以及同几种癌症发病率相关。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Roundup, the herbicide that over 50% of all GM crops are engineered to tolerate, is not safe or benign as has been claimed but has been found to cause malformations (birth defects), reproductive problems, DNA damage, and cancer in test animals. Human epidemiological studies have found an association between Roundup exposure and miscarriage, birth defects, neurological development problems, DNA damage, and certain types of cancer.nIn品论天涯网

13. 在南美洲,种植转基因大豆地区已经发生公共健康危机,那里的民众因为长期暴露于喷洒到(抗除草剂转基因)作物上的草甘膦除草剂“农达”,还有其他农用化学品,临床报告显示:当地初生婴儿生理缺陷与民众癌症发病率逐年升高。nIn品论天涯网

原文:A public health crisis has erupted in GM soy-producing regions of South America, where people exposed to spraying with Roundup and other agrochemicals sprayed on the crop report escalating rates of birth defects and cancer. nIn品论天涯网

14. 大重的研究报告证明草甘膦除草剂“农达”同农作物疾病,尤其是镰刀霉菌感染增加有关,这是一种引起大豆落叶的真菌病,吃了患有此病的饲料和食品也会令人畜引发中毒症状。nIn品论天涯网

原文:A large number of studies indicate that Roundup is associated with increased crop diseases, especially infection with Fusarium, a fungus that causes wilt disease in soy and can have toxic effects on humans and livestock.nIn品论天涯网

15.植入杀虫基因Bt(校者注:苏云金杆菌 Bacillus thuringiensis 的缩写)的转基因作物并不能减少持续使用农药的数量,仅仅是改变除草剂杀虫药效:将原先喷洒到农作物外表上,变成由农作物体液产生作用。nIn品论天涯网

原文: Bt insecticidal GM crops do not sustainably reduce pesticide use but change the way in which pesticides are used: from sprayed on, to built in.nIn品论天涯网


原文: Bt technology is proving unsustainable as pests evolve resistance to the toxin and secondary pest infestations are becoming common.nIn品论天涯网

17.转基因支持者宣称,转入转基因作物的 Bt(苏云金杆菌)成份对人畜并非毒素,不论是传统种植的农民还是有机种植的农民都在长期喷洒使用,经过长期使用证明它们是安全的天然成分。但是,转基因形式的Bt(苏云金杆菌)毒性与在自然环境下的Bt(苏云金杆菌)毒性确实有很大差别,转基因形式的Bt会出现不同程度的毒性且引起过敏症状。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM proponents claim that the Bt toxin engineered into GM plants is safe because the natural form of Bt, long used as a spray by conventional and organic farmers, has a history of safe use. But the GM forms of Bt toxins are different from the natural forms and could have different toxic and allergenic effects.nIn品论天涯网

18. 转基因Bt毒素的毒性不限于对有害昆虫。在实验动物毒性喂食试验中,已经发现转基因Bt(苏云金杆菌)作物对实验动物有毒性作用。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM Bt toxin is not limited in its toxicity to insect pests. GM Bt crops have been found to have toxic effects on laboratory animals in feeding trials. nIn品论天涯网

19. 已经发现转基因Bt(苏云金杆菌)作物在环境中产生的毒性并非仅限于有害昆虫,其毒性呈现为无特定靶性(non-target)生物目标。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM Bt crops have been found to have toxic effects on non-target organisms in the environment.nIn品论天涯网

20. 在加拿大,科学家已经发现怀孕妇女的循环血液、以及供给她的胎儿血液中找到转基因Bt(苏云金杆菌),它们在孕妇消化过程中并未象正常食物那样被彻底分解,呈现有毒结构状态。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Bt toxin is not fully broken down in digestion and has been found circulating in the blood of pregnant women in Canada and in the blood supply to their foetuses.nIn品论天涯网

21. 农田免耕耕作方法促进转基因作物使用抗虫除草剂,其中免耕必须伴随使用除草剂来控制杂草生长,这比用耕作办法上的作物土壤微气候差。对深层土壤碳含量检测证实,免耕法土壤远不及经耕耘农田储碳多。nIn品论天涯网

原文:The no-till method of farming promoted with GM herbicide-tolerant crops, which avoids ploughing and uses herbicides to control weeds, is not more climate-friendly than ploughing. No-till fields do not store more carbon in the soil than ploughed fields when deeper levels of soil are measured. nIn品论天涯网

22. 因为使用除草剂,免耕法农田土壤耕作环境反而恶化。nIn品论天涯网

原文:No-till increases the negative environmental impacts of soy cultivation, because of the herbicides used.nIn品论天涯网

23. 一种名为“金稻米(Golden Rice)”的转基因大米,声称这种米中富含胡萝卜素乙,它一直打着“可以帮助维生素A缺乏症患者增加此营养汲入”为由在推广种植。然而,距今为止这种 “金稻米”还没有进行过食品安全毒理性试验这个基本问题的困扰,历经12年、花了数以百万美元的研究经费,还未能获得市场销售的许可证。此外,因为由于缺乏进一步研究经费,现有的这种声称能治维生素A缺乏症的转基因作物“金稻米”并不是便宜与有效的解决方案。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Golden Rice, a beta-carotene-enriched rice, is promoted as a GM crop that could help malnourished people overcome vitamin A deficiency. But Golden Rice has not been tested for toxicological safety, has been plagued by basic development problems, and, after more than 12 years and millions of dollars of research funding, is still not ready for the market. Meanwhile, inexpensive and effective solutions to vitamin A deficiency are available but under-used due to lack of funding. nIn品论天涯网

24. 转基因作物,往往被人以解决世界人口增长带来的粮食问题“必不可少手段”为由推动。然而,许多专家已经对转基因作物能够发挥的作用提出质疑,因为转基因作物并不比非转基因传统作物提供更高的产量,也不比非转基因传统作物更能适应干旱的气候。更为严重的是,绝大部分转基因作物生长必须使用激活转基因功能的除草剂或者内含杀虫剂,后者与解决饥饿问题毫无一点关系。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM crops are often promoted as a “vital tool in the toolbox” to feed the world’s growing population, but many experts question the contribution they could make, as they do not offer higher yields or cope better with drought than non-GM crops. Most GM crops are engineered to tolerate herbicides or to contain a pesticide – traits that are irrelevant to feeding the hungry.nIn品论天涯网

25. 农民采用转基因作物种子比例高,并非表明转基因作物品种是优于非转基因作物品种,而是当转基因公司控制了当地农作物种子市场份额之后,这些转基因公司就迫使非转基因传统作物种子经营公司从种子市场退回。所谓这是“农民的选择”简直是一派胡言。nIn品论天涯网

原文:High adoption of GM crops among farmers is not a sign that the GM crop is superior to non-GM varieties, as once GM companies gain control of the seed market, they withdraw non-GM seed varieties from the market. The notion of “farmer choice” does not apply in this situation.nIn品论天涯网

26. 转基因食品混进了非转基因传统食品及有机作物食品与饲料中,已造成巨额经济损伤,当事国不得不面临产品召回、法律诉讼以及丢失市场的风险。nIn品论天涯网

原文:GM contamination of non-GM and organic crops has resulted in massive financial losses by the food and feed industry, involving product recalls, lawsuits, and lost markets.nIn品论天涯网

27. 许多人读到高产量、抗害虫以及抗疾病、抗旱、营养改进优良作物的新闻报道,都会误认为这是转基因作物的优点。事实上,这些都是用传统方法培育的农作物具有的优点,用传统方法培育具有这样优点的作物方面仍然继续遥遥领先于转基因作物。综述报告《转基因神话及其真相》列举出用传统农作物培育方面取得的一系列成就。nIn品论天涯网

原文:When many people read about high-yielding, pest- and disease -resistant, drought-tolerant, and nutritionally improved super-crops, they think of GM. In fact, these are all products of conventional breeding, which continues to outstrip GM in producing such crops. The report contains a long list of these conventional crop breeding successes.nIn品论天涯网


原文:Certain “supercrops” have been claimed to be GM successes when in fact they are products of conventional breeding, in some cases assisted by the non-GM biotechnology of marker assisted selection.nIn品论天涯网

29. 传统的作物育种办法比用转基因生物技术生产的作物新品种,采用标记辅助选择等非转基因生物技术的帮助,是一种更安全有效的方法。它能满足当前和未来需要的粮食生产需要,尤其是在我们面对大气快速恶化的问题。nIn品论天涯网

原文:Conventional plant breeding, with the help of non-GM biotechnologies such as marker assisted selection, is a safer and more powerful method than GM to produce new crop varieties required to meet current and future needs of food production, especially in the face of rapid climate change.nIn品论天涯网


原文:Conventionally bred, locally adapted crops, used in combination with agroecological farming practices, offer a proven, sustainable approach to ensuring global food security.nIn品论天涯网


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