

字号+作者:英国《卫报》 来源:新华网 2011-06-29 22:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

 【英国《卫报》6月24日报道】题:毛泽东常在:中国如何在新时代里触及过去(记者塔妮娅 布兰尼根发自北京)   在一个闷热的夏日午后,毛泽东和蒋介石面对面'...

 【英国《卫报》6月24日报道】题:毛泽东常在:中国如何在新时代里触及过去(记者塔妮娅 布兰尼根发自北京)











Party evokes Mao on its 90th birthday 

By Tania Branigan | From the Newspaper June 27, 2011 (2 days ago)

ON a sultry summer afternoon, Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek stand face to face in Beijing`s Longtan Park. In spite of the oppressive heat and the vicious civil war they waged, the chairman gazes at his old foe with serene benevolence.

For a moment, the passing tourists freeze. Then they break into grins and crowd around China`s best-known figure for photographs and handshakes.

“We saw him on television and were impressed, but this time it was for real, standing in front of us. We`re really honoured to meet him in person,” said 40-year-old Wang Fei.

Mao is not, of course, quite the person he was. Thirty-five years after his death, his shoes are filled by impersonator Shang Qingrui. And as the Communist party of China (CPC) prepares for its 90th anniversary, demand for his services has boomed, with guest appearances already lined up at a string of official events.

The CPC has plenty to celebrate. It began in 1921 when 13 men gathered on a boat in eastern China to create an illegal organisation. Today it is the world`s largest and most powerful political party, with more than 80 million members and control of the world`s second largest economy.

Despite this, it seems necessary to keep today`s members in awe of the glory of the past, hence a busy campaign complete with revolutionary tours, red song concerts and a new patriotic movie that sprinkles its account of the party`s creation with a host of star cameos aimed at younger viewers.

As the party moves ever further from its roots — the new film is co-sponsored by Cadilllac — it exploits them to bolster its relentless, Leninist grip on political power.

“This is an absurd era,” Professor He Bing of the China University of Politics and Law told graduates in a bold speech this month.

“They encourage you to sing revolutionary songs, but do not encourage you to make revolution; they encourage you to watch [the new movie] `The Great Achievement of Founding The Party`, but they do not encourage you to establish a party.”

He Bing`s view is clearly not part of the official campaign. “Let history tell the future!” booms Shang, in between drags on a cigarette that seems as much prop as habit. The impersonator is reliving the highlights of his last engagement — a party for cadres in Inner Mongolia — where he paid tribute to young red heroines who lost limbs to frostbite fighting to save a herd of sheep. His next booking is at a Beijing jail, to raise the morale of staff and re-educate prisoners. He also takes on corporate work although he drew the line at promoting a spa, judging it too undignified.

He is one of several “Mao Zedongs” when it comes to the impersonation business. They even share slicked-back, jet-black hair and instantly recognisable uniforms — although the chairman`s two-piece is rather more sombre than the King`s jewelled jumpsuits. But imitating Mao is no joke: this act is deadly serious. Shang, who has also played the leader in television dramas, is hired not for boozy weddings but staid official events.

Others make their living impersonating Song Qingline, revolutionary and widow of Sun Yat-sen, and Deng Xiaoping, who began China`s economic reform in the 1980s.

“In Mao`s generation, the spirit was to serve the people. Now everyone has got their eyes on money,” Shang said. “We grew up learning this culture. It is my responsibility to pass it on, otherwise it will be lost and young people will be lost.”

Others believe the real problem is too much reverence for an imagined past. Last month the Caixin website published a taboo-breaking essay on Mao by influential liberal economist Mao Yushi — no relation. For these Maoists, many of whom are relatively young and stand against what they see as capitalist excesses and foreign influence, this competing version of history represents a struggle between left and right. — The Guardian, London


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