
现代派画家A Modern Artist

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2002-12-30 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

现代派画家A Modern Artist 在博物馆的展览上,一名现代派画家正在解释自己的作品。 “这是一头奶牛在吃草,”他指着黑乎乎的画布说。 “草在哪儿?”参'...

现代派画家A Modern Artist

During an exhibit at a Mu-seum, a modern artist was explainin g his work.
“This,” he said, pointing to a completely black canvas, “is a cow grazing.”
“Where is the grass?” asked the visitor.
“The cow has eaten it,” the artist answered.
“Then where is the cow?”
“How could y ou expect her to stay,” the artist replied,“after she'd eaten all the grass?”

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