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超级强国的脆弱性 Vulnerability of a superpower By&nbspPhilp&nbspStephens The response thus far of Mr Bush and his close'...


Vulnerability of a superpower
By Philp Stephens
The response thus far of Mr Bush and his close advisers has been to promise clarity in foreign policy.The new administration will give sharper definition to“the national interest”.It will focus on the big geostrategic relationships — particularly with Russia and China.It will avoid imperial overstretch by disavowing huˉmanitarian interventions.It will expect Europe to deliver more of its own seˉcurity.It will build a National Missile Defence and advance US military superiority in space. And it will halt the tide towards global governance by applying a strict national interest test to multilateral entanglements.
As Condoleeza Rice,who will serve as Mr Bush's national security adviser,has put it:“American foreign policy in a Republican administration should refocus the US on the national interest and the pursuit of key priorities.”This chimes with the docˉtrine of Colin Powell,the secretary of state—designate,that the US should deploy its military only when victory is more than certain and the risk of casualties minimal.
General Powell personally opposed the decision to go to war against Iraq in 1991 and,more vehemently still,US intervention in the Balkans a few years later. He has promised a review of all deployments overseas.
There is a seductive simplicity here.Those who worry now about an isolationist White House have often been among the critics of US imperialism.If America draws its frontiers more tightly,who are its allies to complain?
Here,though,lies the snag for Mr Bush.In opposition,it is always easy to draw straight lines.In power,they soon become blurred and tangled by realities. Of course,one can produce a shortlist of the trends — Russia's response to decline,a more assertive China,deadly stalemate in the Middle East — most likely to impact directly on US security. But developments elsewhere cannot be neatly divided beˉtween those that impinge on America's national interest and those to be safely ignored.
Take the Balkans. Nothing would be easier than to withdraw the 10,000 US troops in Bosnia and Kosovo.Nor,for that matter,to begin bringing the GIs home from their bases in western Europe.Let the Europeans police their own continent.
But how would Washington feel if Moscow stepped back into a Balkan chaos? How far would US security be enhanced if its allies responded,sanely,to a US retreat from its bases in Europe by deciding it was prudent to be friends again with Iran,Libya,even Iraq? How,as it focuses on a few big issues,will a Bushadministration persuade its enemies(and friends)to halt the proliferation of lethal technologies? How safe will America be behind its star wars shield if Russia sells its missile blueprints to the highest bidder?
There are scores of issues — from Afghanistan's opium crop to the health of Argentina's banks — where narrow national interests cannot be separated from those of a wider international comˉmunity.
The global financial stabilitypromoted by institutions such as the Inˉternational Monetary Fund is not driven by misguided notions of international philanthropy or world government.It serves US prosperity.
These interdependencies are set to become even more complex.As the CIA says:“States will continue to be the dominant players…but governments will have less and less control over the flows of information,technology,diseases,migrants,arms and financial transactions across their borders.”In other words,we will need more,not less,international governance.
Bill Clinton's conduct of foreign affairs was imperfect.But after a time he understood two important things.For those who rule an empire,domestic and foreign policy are indivisible. And the American empire has a thousandfrontiers.  
作者:菲利普·斯蒂芬斯  译者:王季良

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