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超级强国的脆弱性 此文最初发表于2001年1月。菲利普·斯蒂芬斯以此文荣获2002年度戴维·瓦特奖。戴维·瓦特奖每年一次,授予“被评定为以英语对阐明国'...


Vulnerability of a superpower
By Philip Stephens 
Philip Stephens won the 2002 David Watt prize for this article,which was first published in January 2001.The prize is awarded annually “to a writer judged to have made an outstanding contribution in the English language towards the clariˉfication of national,international and political issues and the promotion of their greater understanding”.
The trouble with empires is that they have too many frontiers. Face down the Visigoths and Vandals and along come the Hunnic hordes.Contain the Celts and confront the Angles and the Saxons.The barbarians are forever at the gates.
The American empire is different. In the 21st century,it is no longer necessary to occupy land to project power.Yet the economic and military hegemony of the US is no less real for the absence of extended geographical boundaries. And,just as the US is now uniquely powerful,so,like many of its predecessors,it feels uniquely vulnerable.
As the single superpower and the engine of the economic process we call globalisation ,America's interests areblind to old—fashioned frontiers.Everywhere it cares to look,the US has a stake. It might be straightforwardly geopolitical,as in Europe,the Middle East or the China seas. Sometimes what matters is the success of US businesses or,in times of financial turmoil,the solˉvency of Wall Street's banks. Always,however,there is an interest.
We can see too another characˉteristic of more traditional empires.The greater its sway,the more the US frets about its security . Scarcely more than a decade ago, it lived with a finger on the nuclear button.In the shadow of the Soviet threat,extreme risk was an unavoidable fact of life.
Effortless suˉperiority has engendered a different psychology.America's unchallenged might must inˉsulate it from the smallest dangers.The sharper its military edge,the more cerˉtain it must be that its citizens are safe and its armed forces exempt from the grim reality of warfare.It must bomb from 15,000ft,fire from miles behind the battlefield.
Here is the conundrum facing George W.Bush's incoming administration.The morecomplete America's global domˉinance,the more complex,entangled and extensive its national interests.The more,in short,it has to lose.
Take the tenor of a recent report from the Central Intelligence Agency on prospects for the next decade and beyond.It starts on an upbeat note:“US global economic,technological,military and diplomatic influence will be unparalleled among nations as well as regional and inˉternational organisations in 2015.”
Then come the buts. Adversaries,real and potential,will not acquiesce. Nor,when their interests conflict,will allies.Opponents will not confront the US head on.Instead“they will try to cirˉcumvent or minimise US strengths and exploit perceived weaknesses.”Rogue states,international terrorists and crimˉinal conspiracies will all threaten the US“homeland”.The advanced technologies that have given theUS itspre—emˉinence will soon arm its enemies.
The CIA calls these“asymmetric”risks but warns that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction makes them no less deadly forthat. Its judgment(this one perhaps tailored to self—interest)is that the US will be more vulnerable to missile attack in the next 15 years than it was during the cold war.(to be continued)

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