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如何写好商业信函(三) Having helped to train 10,000 or so people, he has reached some general conclusions. A few people, he '...


Having helped to train 10,000 or so people, he has reached some general conclusions. A few people, he agrees, will always come across better on the telephone. But most can be taught to use active verbs instead of passives and to avoid jargon. And surprisingly large numbers, he says, turn out to be gifted writers.
Bank managers exemplify the tendency to hide behind passive verbs, adds Mr Morris's financial services client.“They will write: ‘It has been decided that the bank will…' And we want them to write:‘I have decided…'"
Mr Morris also does one—to—one coaching with senior executives. He spends an hour a week with them for a month or so and sets writing exercises as homework.
“The higher up you go, the better they are. You find simple, straightforward prose and you can really hear their voice.”It is a mysˉtery, he says, why it is possible to hear the voice of chief executives in their letters, while less senior people write like Victorians, or robots.

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