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光身搜查①STRIP SEARCH 《奥兰多哨兵报》写道:“共和党领导人肯定会拼命设法或者使这一法案通不过,或者strip out(删除)其部分内容。”有线新闻电视台'...


《奥兰多哨兵报》写道:“共和党领导人肯定会拼命设法或者使这一法案通不过,或者strip out(删除)其部分内容。”有线新闻电视台记者克里斯·亨廷顿说:“如果strip out(剥除,删除,不计入)某些应付款项,那么他们将报告(每股)有12美分的利润。”《财富》杂志引述安然公司高层管理人士安迪·法斯托的话说:“我们strip out(不计入,撇开)价格风险,我们strip out 利息风险。我们strip out一切风险。”
吉卜赛·罗丝·李②,如今你在何处?Strips是个首字母缩成词,代表“Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities(离折单售债券本息票)”。这个词显然是财政部的某位热衷观看卖弄风骚的脱衣舞女表演的人士创造的。Strip(剥离,剪除)债券就是剪除债券的息票,单独出售债券的本金部分。剥离后留下来的是一张零息债券和一沓单独的息票。康奈尔大学的罗伯特·贾罗教授说,“strip out(剥离[息票])是指构成附息票债券价值之基础的零息债券的价值。这与联邦储备委员会进行的政府债券strips(离折单售)交易有关。”
在丑闻传播者们围绕安然公司破产事件对此词组的时髦用法中,这一特定的金融方面的词义已给取消了——你也可以说,是给stripped out了。这一词组现在的意思是“深更半夜被人一下子夺走”。
①strip search本为一固定词组,指对携带违禁物品如毒品等的嫌疑人实行脱光衣服的搜查。这里似乎又是一语双关,可理解为“对strip一词进行探究”。
②Gypsy Rose Lee(1914·1.—1970·4.),原名Rose Louise Hovick,著名脱衣舞演员。据《不列颠百科全书》称,她是美国首批赋予脱衣舞以优雅风度的通俗歌舞女演员之一。她写有自传《吉卜赛》,该书曾被改编为同名歌舞剧和电影。

“Republican leaders are sure to fight hard to either defeat the bill or strip out parts,”wrote The Orlando Sentinel.The CNN correspondent Chris Huntington said,“If you strip out certain charges,they're reporting a profit of 12 cents.”Fortune magazine quoted Andy Fastow,an Enron executive,as having said,“We strip out price risk;we strip out interest risk;we strip out all the risks.”
Gypsy Rose Lee,where are you? Strips is an acronym apparently coined by a bump—and—grind ecdysiast enthusiast at Treasury for “Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities.”To strip a bond is to remove its interest—paying coupons and sell the principal of the bond separately.What you have left is a zero—coupon bond and a separate bunch of coupons.“To strip out,”says Prof.Robert Jarrow of Cornell,“is to infer the value of the zero—coupon bonds underlying the value of a coupon bond.It relates toTreasury Strips that the Federal Reserve Board trades.”
That specific financial meaning has been removed ——— stripped out,if you will——— in thevogue use of the phrase byscandalmongers on the periphery of the Enron story.It now means“snatched away from,in the dead of night.”

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