There are many urban myths about companies mishandling their occasional correspondence. Mr Morris gives as an example the story of a disˉgruntled customer who opened a letter to which was attached an internal memo reading: “Send standard letter".
But such departments can benefit from outˉside help. The Letterhouse's anonymous financial services client admits that staff would write stern letters and then, in another letter —— to sell something ——— they would switch to the grovelling tone of Charles Dickens's Uriah Heep. In each case, this deviated from the company's preferred tone of voice.
Staff were initially apprehensive about the training sessions,says Mr Morris's client.  “I would get comments like: ‘Don't tell me how to write letters: I've been doing it for 30 years.' Everybody thinks they can do it but few can," she says.
“People say to us: ‘You can't teach people to write.' Well, it can be tricky, particularly if the ghost of school hangs over them. We tell them it's OK to break the rules. It's OK to write in a conversational style. I'm not saying that letters should be light and chatty but they should be human. We would like people to enjoy using words," Mr Morris says.
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