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GOTCHA!逮错 On the stickiness of wickets:I wrote about Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain,“maneuvering his way through th'...


On the stickiness of wickets:I wrote about Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain,“maneuvering his way through the sticky wicket of the Middle East.”
One neither navigates nor maneuvers through such a soggy metaphor.The wicket,as I am informed gleefully by Lee Child,Jack Kenny and Ben Werschkul,is the ground on which the baseball—like game of cricket is played.When it is sticky,not in the sense of “tacky”but in the sense of “wet,slippery,”the ball bounces on the ground in front of the batsman in unpredictable ways.This metaphor has been extended to a general meaning of “awkward,embarrassing,difficult,”but as Mr.Child notes,“the key point is that the batsman is on a sticky wicket;he is perforce immobile in front of it;the bowler,himself knowing that the wicket is sticky,will be bearing down on the batsman with a wolfish grin.”Therefore,it's on,not through,the sticky wicket.
Those of us in language's artful dodge who make a living correcting others must learn to strike a noble pose and take the gaff when we goof.Nobody stands taller than those willing to stand corrected.As F.D.R.said,“If you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen.”
Wait———no.That was Harry Truman.
(续本版6月10日一期)关于板球场泥泞问题(On the stickiness of wickets):我在一篇文章中曾写到英国首相托尼·布莱尔“maneuvering his way through the sticky wicket of the Middle East(在想方设法穿越中东这块泥泞的板球场)。”
人们既不能驶过也不能设法through(穿越,通过)这样一个比喻性的潮湿的板球场。板球场,如李·蔡尔德、杰克·肯尼和本·魏尔施库尔欣喜地告诉我的,是打类似于棒球的板球的场地。当板球场sticky时,意思不是“粘脚的”,而是“湿的,滑的”,球在球场上击球手前面如何弹跳难以预测。这一比喻已经扩展到“棘手,令人为难,困难”的通常意义,不过,如蔡尔德先生所指出的,“关键之点是击球手是on(处在)泥泞的板球场上,他在其面前必然难以动弹,而投球手则知道球场泥泞,便带着恶狼般的狞笑,气势汹汹地将球投向击球手。因此,是on而不是through那sticky wicket.

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