

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2002-05-23 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

未来新职业(下) In business,social network analysts will study the real flow of power through a company,and simplicity experts'...


In business,social network analysts will study the real flow of power through a company,and simplicity experts will simplify and streamline a corporation's techˉnology, Popcorn says.
On the Internet, she projects the need for cybrarians to monitor the ever—growing Internet,Web gardeners to maintain Web sites, and e—mail counselors to help employees with poor writing skills who
 are struggling with the“compressed, immediate, and risky nature of e—mail."
To manage our new jobs, personal career coaches will become increasingly important, as will retirement counselors and “gap year" counselors to help young people handle what Popcorn predicts will beˉcome a common period of exploration before college.
Terrorism analysts will gain status, as will cool consultants to help product marketers or city planners determine what might become trendy.Andcustomer—relations departments will employ whisperers who are particularly adept at calming even the most irate customer or client.

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