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未来新职业(中) In the business sector, there is a continuing trend toward jobs that help companies keep pace with advances '...


In the business sector, there is a continuing trend toward jobs that help companies keep pace with advances in communications. Webmasters and Web site designers will be in demand, as will specialists who can help provide visualizations for online catalogs and training programs.
In her new book Dictionary of the Future, Popcorn defines some  50 possible job titles of the future. Most of the jobs she identifies involve services, about a quarter of which are related to health care.
More than half of us will be working at jobs that don't exist yet, Popcorn argues, and many that exist now will vanish. She cites business analyst Tom Peters's forecast that 90% of white—collar jobs will be either "destroyed or altered beyond recognition in  10—15 years."
Health—service jobs that Popcorn foresees in clude bioinformationists— scientists who work with the abundant genetic information  being generated and serve as a bridge beˉtween the scientists and those developing drugs and clinical techniques. She also predicts the emergence of geomicrobiologists, who will piece together bits of geoloˉgy, environmental science, and microbiology to study  how microorganisms might help make new medicine or clean up pollution.
Popcorn also foresees the growth of experimental therapy experts, who would connect patients with the right new therapy, and hospitalists, a type of ombudsman who can guide the patient through the maze of hospital services. 

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