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HOMELAND 1962年在南非,在有关种族隔离的争论中出现了这个词。当时的南非外长博塔在1969年提出了“班图Homelands(家园)公民资格法案”,把黑人和部族的原'...


接着,1977年,美国政府也用起hoˉmeland这个词来了。在美国国会授权进行的四年一次国防评估中,设立了一个国防小组来重新考虑直至2020年的军事战略,该小组预见有必要对付潜在的恐怖活动以及其他的“对我国领土的跨国威胁”。该小组提出的“进一步强调homeland defense”的建议当时没有受到多大注意。
在美国遭受2001年9月11日的袭击将近一个月之后,布什政府设立了Homeland安全局(Office of Homeland Security又译“国土安全办公室”———本报注)。为什么Security(安全)一词替代了defense(防御)?有人提出了理由,说security是一个总括的词语,包括地方和全国公共保健方面对遭遇袭击的准备,由武装部队各军种承担的国家保卫,外加中央情报局、联邦调查局和地方警察的情报和国内保安活动。(事实上,机密的命名人士告诉我,之所以选择了security一词,是因为国防部不希望与这个白宫的新机构发生任何管辖权上的混淆。)
美国人选用了homeland一词,与俄罗斯人选择motherland(祖国)和德国人选择fatherland(祖国)几乎一样。与第二次世界大战用语the home front(国内战线)存在着一种联系,当时国内战线一语是个比喻(与war front[作战前线]相对),但是,鉴于“9·11”袭击事件,现在却成了现实。
英国人却不同。约翰·马伦在英国的《卫报》上写道:“Home on the range(牧场之家),Home of the brave(勇敢者之乡),Hometown boy(同乡,老乡)。‘Home’一词对于爱国的美国人来说,是比对我们而言用起来更潇洒自如的词。在目前这样令人焦虑不安的时代,homeliness(舒心,温馨)格外珍贵……需要一个听起来让人安心但又不过分自信的词。美国人对于他们的地缘政治言论的homeliness(令人舒心)已变得更加敏感或者说更加小心翼翼。”讲英国英语的人在提到他们的出生地的时候,爱用this country(我国)而不爱用homeland(祖国)。
The word surfaced in South Africa in 1962 amid the controversy  about apartheid.R.F.Botha,then South Africa's foreign minister,introduced the “Bantu Homelands Citizenship Bill”in 1969 linking blacks to tribal sites of origin,or “Bantustans,”seeking thereby to  separate the races permanently. This was denounced as evidence that white supremacists in South Africa regarded black Africans as aliens.
A kind of linguistic full circle was reached when Arabs in the  Middle East sought to reject the Jewish state in their midst by evoking the word so long associated with Israel:the P.L.O.,in Article l of its national charˉter of 1968,stated,“Palestine is the national homeland of the Arab Palestinian people;it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland.”
Then,in 1977,the U.S.government got into the homeland act.In the Quadrennial Defense Review mandated by Congress,a defense panel was set up to rethink military strategy up to 2020.The panel foreˉsaw a need to counter potential terˉrorism and other“transnational threats to the sovereign territory of the nation.”Its recommendation of an “increased emphasis on homeland defense” did not get much attention.
Almost one month after the Sept.11,2001,attack on the U.S.,the  Bush administration established an Office of Homeland Security.Why was security substituted for defense?A rationale was set forward that security was the umbrella term,incorporating local and national public—health preparedness for attack,the defense of the nation offered by the armed services ,plus the inˉtelligence andinternal security activities of the C.I.A.,F.B.I.and loˉcal police.(In fact,I'm told by secret nomenclature sources,security was chosen because the Defense Depart ment did not want any jurisdictional  confusion with the new White House organization.)
Americans have adopted homeland much as Russians chose motherland and Germans fatherland.An association exists with the World War II phrase the home front,which was a metˉaphor then (as opposed  to warfront) but is a reality now in light of Sept.11.
The British are different.“Home on the range,home of the brave,hometown boy,”wrote John Mullan in Britain's Guardian.“Perhaps ‘home’ is an easier word for patriˉotic Americans than it would be for us.Homeliness is at a premium in such anxious times … a word waswanted that sounded reassuring but unaggressive.Americans have  become more sensitive or more wary about the homeliness of their  geopolitical talk.”In referring to their place of origin,speakers of British English prefer this country to homeland.
Mullan's usage brings up a tanˉgential point:Britons use homeliness for what we would call homeyness.To Americans,homely has unfortunately come to mean“almost ugly.”We still use the compound adjective down—home to mean “unpretentious,devoid of affectation,”and homeboy is black slang for a friend in or from the neighborhood,but the lovely homely is an insult.This shows a lack of appreciation for the boy or girl next door.
Contrariwise,the Yiddish haimish means“homely”but is a compliment,suggesting home cooking for food and a homebody for a person who does not long for dancing in nightclubs or trips to spas .Few  Americans use homelike,which I apply warmly to residents of my homeland.

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