
无名事件Nameless Event

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2002-01-21 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

无名事件Nameless Event (续本版1月7日一期)这两种词形互相竞争,normality一直居于领先地位,直到哈定①于1920年成了使用头韵法②的名人,写出了“不是空泛'...

无名事件Nameless Event

布朗克斯区的费朗兹·阿利纳在致《纽约时报》的一封信中提出异议,说:“‘Enduring Freedom’(持久自由)一语有着双重意思。Enduring一词的词义除了是‘坚持不懈’之外,还有‘容忍’的意思。”《纽约时报》还收到大量电子邮件和传真件,陈述同样的意见。
① Warren Gamaliel Harding(1856—1923年),美国第29任总统,共和党人,其政府腐败无能、声名狼藉。
②用头韵法,即遣词造句时使文字押头韵。押头韵(to alliterate)就是使用相同的字母或声韵开头,请参见英文原文。
The two forms competed,normality in the lead,until Harding made the alliterator's hall of fame in 1920 with“not heroics but healing,not nostrums but normalcy,not revolution but restoration,not agitation but adjustment”and (my favorite)“not experiment but equipoise.”
When mocked by users of —ity,the president told his critics to look it up in the dicˉtionary———and there it was,in Merriam—Webster's.The populace was bullish on normalcy.Which leads to another miscorrection:ENDURANCE CONTEST
The Defense Department junked the name Operation Infinite Justice for its campaign against terrorism.New title:Operation Enˉduring Freedom.“Enduring suggests that this is not a quick fix,”said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.President Bush embraced the phrase in a pep talk to the C.I.A:“We are on a mission to make sure that freedom is enduring.”
“There is a double meaning to‘Enduring Freedom,'”objected Franz Allina of the Bronx in a letter to The Times.“Enduring means‘tolerating'as well as‘persevering.'”Other e—mail and faxes flew in to make the same point.
Not so.“He's taking the root meaning of the verb,”replies Fred Mish,editor in chief of Merriam—Webster's 10th Collegiate,“and transferring it to the participial adjective.A verb can have many meanings,but they don't all carry over to the adjective.”
The intransitive verb endure,rooted in the Latin durus,“hard,”has many senses:“to last,”or“to reˉmain firm under adversity,”but a different meaning when transˉferring action:“to suffer,tolˉerate,countenance.”
Does that difference carry over when the verb enˉdure adds an —ing and becomes a participial adjective?No.Enduring is almost always used to mean “lasting,permanent,”as in“an enduring friendˉship”;occasionally it means“durable,”as in“an enduring substance”;only once in a blue moon does it mean “tolerating,”as in“enduring personal attacks,he carried on.”
“The meaning that comes to mind with most people,”says the lexicographer Mish,“is the meaning Rumsfeld probably meant.”That meaning is“lasting,”using enduring as a modifier.The other meaning would be close to an abnormality.(Abnormalcy?No such word.)
Are we engaged in antiterrorism or counterterrorism?
Antiterrorism,according to the Department of Defense Dicˉtionary of Military and Associated Terms,is“defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terˉrorist acts,to include limited reˉsponse and containment by local military forces.”
Counterterrorism is“offensive measures taken to prevent,deter and respond to terrorism.”
How to respond to Sept.11?Doves prefer antiterrorism;hawks plump for counterterrorism.

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