
无名事件Nameless Event

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无名事件Nameless Event 作者:威廉·萨菲尔 译者:王季良 1941年日本对美国(太平洋)舰队发动突然袭击的事件是以其发生地珍珠港的名称予以铭记的。我们所'...

无名事件Nameless Event

作者:威廉·萨菲尔 译者:王季良
1941年日本对美国(太平洋)舰队发动突然袭击的事件是以其发生地珍珠港的名称予以铭记的。我们所进行过的所有战争中最血腥的一天也是以其发生地安提坦河定名的(尽管南方人往往以该河附近的市镇即马里兰州的沙普斯堡来称呼这次战役的)。谋杀一位总统的令人震惊的事件也是以其受害人的姓名来称呼的,叫作the Kennedy assassination(肯尼迪遇刺事件)。
“9·11”灾难几乎同时发生在两个城市,所以不能采用一个地点的名称,也不能用单数结构。两次袭击合在一起,人们没有用the twin towers destruction(撞毁双子塔楼事件)或the bombing of the Pentagon(五角大楼遭轰炸事件)作为其代称。(而且用bombing是用词不当,因为没有投下炸弹。)人们常常使用Attack(或Assault)on America[美国遭受袭击(或攻击)]字样,但是这种表述似乎过于笼统,因为珍珠港事件也是美国遭受袭击。
用terrorist massacre(恐怖大屠杀)是确切的,因为massacre的意思是“不分青红皂白地杀戮大量的人”,但是这种表述没有得到广泛采用。用the recent tragic events (最近的悲惨事件)来表述太委婉和冷漠,而用the catastrophe in New York and Washington(纽约和华盛顿的灾难)则又嫌太长。
The surprise attack on the U.S.fleet in 1941 is remembered by the name of the place where it happened:Pearl Harbor.The bloodiest day in all our wars is also identified by its locale:Antietam creek(though Southerners often identify that battle by the nearby town,Sharpsburg,Md).The shocking murder of a president is known by its victim:the Kennedy assassination.
But what label is applied to the horrific(more horrid than horrible,perˉhaps because of its less frequent use and similarity in emphasis to terrific)events of Sept.11,2001?
Because the calamities ocˉcurred almost simultaneously in two cities,they could not adopt the name of one locality or single structure:taken together,they are not written about in shorthand as the twin towers destruction or the bombing of the Pentagon.(And bombing is a misnomer,since no bomb was dropped.)Attack(or Assault)on America has been a freˉquent usage,but it seems too general,since Pearl Harbor was also an attack on the U.S.
Terrorist massacre is accurate,since massacre means“indiscriminate killing of large numbers,”but that phrase has not been widely adopted. The recent tragic events is euphemiˉstic and antiseptic,and the catastrophe in New York and Washington too long.
We may settle on using the date.Just as F.D.R.vividly identified Dec.7,1941,as“a date which will live in infamy,”many journalists use“ever since Sept.11”as shorthand for this new date of infamy.(A further shortening is 9/11,as in“The New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fund,”which is also a play on the number punched on a telephone keyboard for emergencies.)In time,however,the nation's choice of the date of Dec.7 was replaced by the location of the disaster,as Americans“remember Pearl Harbor.”On that analogy,perhaps a new designation will appear for the disaster that struck an unsuspecting nation now seeking a return to norˉmalcy.
“I was taught that normalcy was a nonword,”writes Floyd Norris,chief financial correspondent of The New York Times,“a poor substitute for normaliˉty invented by one of our worst presidents,and that educated people avoided the word.So I have been surˉprised to see it used so frequently in The Times since the Sept.11 attack.When did President Harding win the language battle?Or were my mother and my teachers wrong all along?”
They were.Norris is a colleague whose sober market advice we all should have taken throughout the recent irratiˉonal exuberance,but he was swept up by a previous generation's Harding—hooting.Last week the economics colˉumnist of The Washington Post,Robert J. Samuelson,used the word that is out—usaging normality 3 to 1:“We are now slowly returning to ‘normalcy',though we don't know what that means——and can't know.”
I know.It means normality,coined by Edgar Allan Poe in 1848.Nine years later a couple of mathematicians used an equally logical extension of norˉmal,preferring —cy to —ity·
(To be continued)

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