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趣味英语 趣味英语 Math Trouble A little girl was failing math.Her mother enrolled her in Catholic school in the hopes to i'...



Math Trouble
A little girl was failing math.Her mother enrolled her in Catholic school in the hopes to improve her math grades.During the first markingperiod,her mother noticed a dramatic improvement in her math studies.The girl would refuse playing with friends and eating dessert after dinner in order to study more.
On report card day,her mother was astonished to see that her daughter got an A+ in math.She asked her daughter,“Why the sudden change of attitude about math———do the nuns punish you?”The girl replied,“No,but when I saw the little man on the wall nailed to the plus sign,I knew that this school is very serious aboutmath!”
那女孩回答:“没有。可是当我看见墙上有个小人被钉在加号上,我就知道这个学校对数学可是非常认真的!”Call on an Expert
Little Johnnywas playing with his father's wallet when he accidently swallowed a quarter.He went crying to his mom,choking on the quarter.They took him to a doctor,who said that the quarter was impossible to remove without surˉgery,and they consulted a specialist who was of the same opinion.Then came a man who said he could get the money out in a jiffy.He turned little Johnny upside down and patted him with great precision on the back of neck and,sure enough,the quarter rolled out.Everyone was amazed,and the father said,“You must be an expert!”The man replied,“No,sir.I'm just a tax collector.”  
小约翰尼在玩弄父亲的钱夹时不慎吞了一枚2角5分的硬币。他被憋得喘不过气来,就开始大叫妈妈。他们把他带到大夫那里,大夫说不做手术是不可能将硬币取出的。他们还咨询了一位专科大夫,得到相同意见。后来一个男人走来,说他马上就能将钱币取出。他将约翰尼倒提起来,非常准确地拍击孩子的后颈。确实,硬币滚落出来了。大家都很吃惊,孩子父亲说:“您准是个专家!”那男人回答说:“不,阁下。我只是一名收税员。”(理同提供) An Unexpected E—mail 
Mr.Johnston,a businessman from Colorado,recently went on a business trip to Arizona.He immediately sent an e—mail back home to his wife,Jo Ann,to let her know that he had arrived safely.
Unfortunately,he mistyped a few letters and the e—mail ended up going to a Mrs.Joan Johnson, the wife of a preacher who had just passed away.
The preacher's wife took one look at the e—mail and promptly fainted.When she was finally revived,she nerˉvously pointed to the message,which read:“Arrived safely,but it sure is hot down here.”

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