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英文精解 英文精解 Semantitheft 'Stolen&nbspmeanings'raise&nbspspecialists'&nbsphackles Ecologists,however,have a more legit'...


'Stolen meanings'raise specialists' hackles

Ecologists,however,have a more legitimate beef.“One of my many pet peeves,”notes Terence Ball of Phoenix,“concerns people who speak of President Bush and others‘hurting the ecology.’What they mean is‘hurting the natural environment.’”Nancy Eldblom,a field botanist in Potsdam,N.Y.,says,“Here’s an example of‘stealing’an entire branch of science:using ecology,the life science‘concerned with the interrelationshˉip of organisms and their environments,’to mean the environment generally.”
My call:if you’re discussing that branch of biology dealing with the way living organisms relate to their surroundings,use ecology,rooted inthe Greek for “dwelling.”If you’re talking about air or water pollution or gloˉbal warming(now renamed“globalclimate change”),use environment,from the Latin viron,“circle.”(Lincoln:“I am environed with difficˉulties.”)If you just want to apply a political label,green will do fine.
“Equating theory with hypothesis is the booboo that boils the blood,”fulminates Joe Rosen of Bethesda,Md.Judith Weiss,president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences,agrees:“In science,the word theory refers to an underlying priniciple of observedphenomena that has been tested and verifˉied.However,in common usage,it has come to mean‘hunch’or ‘speculation’(what the word hypothesis means in sciˉence).”
While scientists who admire precision often treat the word theory as “a confirmed hypothesis,”lexicographers since 1706 have defined it as“a supposition”far from proven.I recall sitting in a box with Henry Kissinger at a Washington football game;when the referee outrageouslypenalized the Redskins for pass interference,Henry rose to his feet,shook his fists and shouted,“On vot theory?”Strictlyspeaking,he meant hypothesis,but “only a theory”——as against demonstrated fact——is a longtime sense of the term.
Sports enthusiasts as well as scientists defend their linguistic turf.“Railbirds bristle at the misuse of track record,”vents Dan Hely of Carlisle Pa.,who reminds us that the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is 2 minutes 24 seconds,held by Secretariat since 1973.Yeah,adds David Hawkins of Brooklyn:“As a former horseplayer,I getexercised at the use of track record as in ‘the track record shows that he’ll make a good president.’A track record is the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a given track.The racing term that should be used is past performance.”
All this raises,not begs,thequestion:Are specialists understandablymiffed at the expropriation of their precise vocabulary by thegeneralist“meaningthieves”?Sure;butthey don’t own the words and should stop beˉing so myopic.

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