
JUDGE FIGHTS Is‘borking’needed to stop‘court packing’?(英文精解)

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JUDGE FIGHTS Is‘borking’needed to stop‘court packing’?(英文精解) “‘Borkin&nbspg’is out.‘Court p&nbspackin&nbspg’is'...

JUDGE FIGHTS Is‘borking’needed to stop‘court packing’?(英文精解)

“‘Borkin g’is out.‘Court p ackin g’is in.”So wrote E.J.Dionne Jr. in The Washin g ton Post,usin g two of the g reat p olitico—j udicial at-tack p hrases in ra p id succession.Comes now the et y-molo g y to hel p readers ra p their g avels when slanted words j oust with each other.
The notion of court p ackin g can be traced to Lincoln,who wanted a 10th j ustice on the Su p reme Court,and before that to John Adams,whose nominations of“midni g ht j ud g es”j ust before he left office caused a ruckus with his successor,Thomas Jefferson,who refused to swear them in.
The p hrase p ackin g the Court———alwa y s p e-j orative,im p utin g one—sidedness———burst on the scene in 1936 in criticism of President Franklin Roosevelt's p lan to a pp oint a new Su p reme Court j ustice ever y time one of the“nine old men”(a p hrase coined b y the columnists Drew Pearson and Robert S.Allen)reached the a g e of 70 and refused to ste p down.
But the p resident was seen to have overreached,and his p lan back—fired;even on the ver g e of a landslide re—election,F.D.R.was p ut on the defensive.“If b y that p hrase‘Packin g the Court’it is char g ed,”he said,“that I wish to p lace on the bench s p ineless p u pp ets who would disre g ard the law and would decide s p ecific cases as l wished them to be decided,I make this answer:that no p resident fit for his office would a pp oint,and no Senate of honorable men fit for their office would confirm,that kind of a pp ointee to the Su-p reme Court.”
F.D.R.'s p ro p osal,universall y denounced as court packin g,died in committee;however,the balance of p ower on the Court soon shifted to the liberals,causin g one wa g to note,“A switch in time saved nine.”
Turnabout is fair p la y.The p hrase is now the rall y ing cr y of Democrats worried that Bush nominees to the federal bench at all levels will make the court s y stem more conservative.Said Senator Pat Leah y of Vermont,rankin g Democrat on the Judiciar y Committee,“It sure looks like the y are intent on buildin g an ideolo g icall y driven court—p ackin g machine.”Bruce Ackerman,a p rofessor of law at Yale,writin g in The Los An g eles Times,added a note of breathlessness:“We are on the brink of a court—p ackin g crisis.”
Re p ublicans are counterin g with the e p on y mous verb p ossibl y first used in The Atlanta Journal—Constitution on Au g.20,1987:“Let's j ust ho p e somethin g endurin g results for the j ustice—to—be,like a new verb:Borked.Dictionaries will sa y it's s y non y mous with‘mali g ned’.”This referred to the wa y Democrats sava g ed Ronald Rea g an's nomi-nee,the A pp eals Court j ud g e Robert H. Bork,the y ear before.
“A concerted effort to‘Bork'John Ashcroft would not be well received,”said Senator Trent Lott,the ma j orit y leader,about Geor g e W.Bush's nomination for attorn-e y g eneral.The newl y nonconfrontational Ashcroft was not borked.(I use the lowercase b now that the verb is established.)
The columnist Fred Barnes went to e p on y m himself for a definition.“W hat it means is to be attacked with a series of———not to p ut it too stron g l y————a series of lies and mischaracterizations,”Bork said.“And it is an effort at the p olitics of p ersonal destruction.”
Debate ra g es over whether the confirmation cri-teria should be character and merit,or whether an otherwise estimable nominee should be re j ected for holdin g views that some activists believe are outside the ideolo g ical mainstream.It ma y be that senators will vote on the basis of ideolo g y without g ettin g p ersonal.But in comin g months,Democrats will char g e Bush with court p ackin g;returnin g the fire,Bush will de p lore borkin g.

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