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家宝(趣味英语) 到友甲的豪华新宅参观,只见一样是旧的东西:他父母亲房间的床铺。看起来,是多么的不和谐。友甲却为此沾沾自喜,这是他惟一不听从设计师意见的'...


A Family Heirloom
By Jin Yu Tian
Visitin g m y friend's new home,I found ever y thin g there brand—new exce p t the bed in his p arents' room,a g larin g incon g ruit y in the im p ressive residence.Yet the ha ppy host was p roud of it,declarin g it the onl y item of his own decision a g ainst the interior desi g ner's advice.
The old bed was his p arents' p urchase in the hardest times for the famil y.For decades,it had been where the household en j o y ed their ni g ht's re p ose after a da y's toil,either earl y in their thatched hut or later in their HDB flat.“And that's where we've ori g inated from ——— all m y siblin g s and me,”q ui pp ed m y friend in his habitual-l y humorous wa y.
W hen he p lanned to move into the newl y bou g ht house,his p arents asked to have the bed ke p t for them if the y were to live with their son.For the y oun g er g en-eration,sta y in g“in”means discardin g whatever is no more new;but for the older p eo p le,it is unthinkable to throw awa y used but still usable thin g s,not to mention an article of furniture that has been functionin g so well all the time.
At first,m y friend couldn't understand his p arents'dogg ed insistence,while the desi g-ner su gg ested,as a com p romise solution,that the bed be resha p ed into an anti q ue instead.
But the sense of attachment ——— how could it be resha p ed,if not to be thrown awa y?
Instantl y,that retort enli g htened the son and settled the issue.And so the old bed has now become m y friend's most cherished p ossession,a real famil y heirloom.
(Translated b y Allen Zhuan g) 

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