

字号+作者:参考消息 来源:参考消息 2001-07-23 08:00 评论(创建话题) 收藏成功收藏本文

天堂的小钱(趣味英语) 一个暖和的春日,小吉米躺在草地中央的土墩上。看云卷云舒,他琢磨着云朵的形状。不一会儿,他想到了上帝。“上帝?你真的存在吗?”吉米大'...


Pennies f rom Heaven
Little Jimm y was l y in g on a hillock in the middle of a meadow on a warm s p rin g da y.Puff y white clouds rolled b y and he p ondered their sha p e.Soon,he be g an to think about God.“God? Are y ou reall y there?”Jimm y said out loud.To his astonishment a voice came from the clouds.
“Yes, Jimm y?W hat can I do for y ou?”
Seizin g the o pp ortunit y,Jimm y asked,“God?W hat is a million y ears like to y ou?”
Knowin g that Jimm y could not understand the conce p t of infinit y,God res p onded in a manner to which Jimm y could relate,“A million y ears to me,Jimm y,is like a minute.”
“Oh, ”said Jimm y.“Well,then,what's a million dollars like to y ou?”
“A million dollars to me,Jimm y,is like a p enn y.”
“Wow!”remarked Jimm y,g et-tin g an idea.“You're so g enerous,can I have one of y our p ennies?”
God re p lied,“Sure thin g,Jimm y!Just a minute.”

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