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  陈一文:邪商恶官用啥加剧帕金森病老年痴呆症抑郁症自闭症灾难?   (2015-09-15 13:53:31)育儿 婴儿配方乳粉 正己烷 苯 草甘膦   分类: 批判'...



  (2015-09-15 13:53:31)育儿 婴儿配方乳粉 正己烷 苯 草甘膦NHH品论天涯网


  分类: 批判转基因技术NHH品论天涯网


  1)帕金森病:中国“发病率近20年增长20倍”,目前总共大约170万患者;而且显示年轻化趋势,“青少年型帕金森病”患者占据总人数的10%。2)老年痴呆症(又称阿尔茨海默病):成老年人第四大杀手,患者总数约有600万,居世界首位,正以每20年翻一番的速度递增,目前老年痴呆患者平均年龄55岁左右,比20年前提前10年,呈现明显的年轻化趋势。3)抑郁症:目前我国抑郁症发病率高达5%~6%,平均发病年龄已低至30岁左右。另据一项流行病学调查估算,中国抑郁焦虑患者已达9000万人,但接受相关药物治疗的患者只占不到10%。我国自杀和自杀未遂的人群中,抑郁症患者占50-70%。4)中国自闭症(也称孤独症)发病率不断攀升,患者已超1000万,发病率约为1%;孤独症儿童发病率20年内升高了10倍, 0到14岁的儿童患病者达200余万。国际上,该病男女的发病率男女比例大约4:1。在我国,男女患病率的比例更为悬殊,约为6:1到9:1之间。NHH品论天涯网


  1)Parkinson disease: In China, incidence increased 20 times during recent 20 years, according to epidemiological estimations, there are about 1.7 million Parkinson patients in China, shows a trend of becoming younger. "Youth and teenage type Parkinson disease" patients account to 10% of total number of Parkinson disease patients. 2) Alzheimer""""s disease, has become the No.4 killer to old age in China, the number of patients is about 6 million, ranking 1st position in the world, and increase at a rate of doubling every 20 years; The average age of Alzheimer""""s disease at present is about 55 years old in China, 10 years younger than the average age of patients 20 years ago; 3) Depression: The preva1ence rate of depression in China is already 5% - 6%, average age advanced to about 30 years. According to estimations by another epidemiology survey, China at present has about 90 million depression patients, Among suicide and suicide attempts, depression patients account to 50% - 70%. 4) China""""s autism incidence is continue rising, exceeding 10 million patients at present, incidence rate about 1%; China""""s children autism incidence has increased 10 times over the past 20 years,with over 2 million 0 - 14 years old children patients. International, the ratio of male/female autism patients is about 4:1. In China, this ratio is about 6:1 to 9:1.NHH品论天涯网








  What have greedy companies and evil officers used to worsen the disaster of Parkinson, Alzheimer""""s, Depression and Autism disease in China!?NHH品论天涯网




  Many Parkinson, Alzheimer""""s, Depression and Autism disease patients surely have their individual causes. But, if overall comprehensive epidemiological studies and analysis is carried out Parkinson, Alzheimer""""s, Depression and Autism disease rapidly increasing during the past 20 years, then from their causes, age trend, distribution etc., can discover they are a group of diseases with significant commonalities.NHH品论天涯网




  1) A group of syndrome of advanced brain dysfunction caused by chronic or progressive brain structure physical damage;NHH品论天涯网




  2) A series of food continue and popular consumed by ordinary people, especially young children, primary school, middle school and university students, contain low level residues of toxic agrichemicals (herbicides, pesticides etc.) and chemicals (solvent hexane, benzene and derivatives, crude oil residue "non-volatiles" etc.) and biochemical substance (Bt toxins etc) cause organic damage lesions to their brains;NHH品论天涯网




  3) Toxic residues of these agrichemicals, chemicals, biochemicals, cause different brain dysfunctions in groups of people with different ages and different situations;NHH品论天涯网




  4) Ultra-low levels of toxic residues of these agrichemicals, chemicals, biochemicals, individual or different combinations synergiclly , cause cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, genetic mutations, cause more and more genetic abnormality in humans;NHH品论天涯网




  5) Some of these agrichemical, chemicals, biochemicals residues exhibit characteristics of endocrine disruptors, ultra-low exposure will cause substantial harm to the development of fetuses, infants, young children.NHH品论天涯网




  6) Pregnant woman popular continue consume such food, these toxic agrichemicals, chemicals, biochemical residues have ability through pregnant woman""""s blood penetrate placental barrier enter the body of fetus, cause organic damage to the development of fetus, especially the development of their brains;NHH品论天涯网




  7) Upon born, infants consume infant formula products containing such these toxic agrichemicals, chemicals, biochemical residues, during the most critical growing phases of the infant""""s brain, continue cause organic damage lesions to their brains.NHH品论天涯网


  中国帕金森病“发病率近20年增长20倍”, 据流行病学统计,中国目前约有170万患者。帕金森病可能跟大脑本身的器质性改变有关。动物实验证明,一些农药和除草剂残留物可能会引发帕金森病发病,而一些环境因素也可能是发病的诱因。帕金森病呈现低龄化趋势,“青少年型帕金森病”患者占据总人数的10%。NHH品论天涯网


  Parkinson disease incidence increased 20 times during recent 20 years, according to epidemiological estimations, there are about 1.7 million Parkinson patients in China. Occurring of Parkinson disease symptoms likely is related to Physical changes to the brain. Animal experiments have already proved, some pesticide and herbicide residues might cause Parkinson disease, some environmental factors also might be inducing factors to the disease. The ages of Parkinson disease shows a trend of becoming younger. "Youth and teenage type Parkinson disease" patients account to 10% of total number of Parkinson disease patients.NHH品论天涯网




  Statistics from the World Parkinson Disease Federation show, there is total 4 million Parkinson disease patients worldwide, in which include 1.7 million in China. The preva1ence of Parkinson disease patient over 55 years old is 1%, over 75 years exceeds 2.5%.NHH品论天涯网




  According to survey, during recent 20 years (1985 - 2004), the number of Parkinson disease patient rapidly increased in major cities. In 1986 the preva1ence was 84 patients/10000 people, but by 2001 increased to 1130 patients/10000 people, this rate is even higher in rural areas. According to estimation, (by 2004) 10,000 new Parkinson disease patients occur each year in China.NHH品论天涯网




  Xinhua Network, Specialist alert: Parkinson disease early discover and treatment brings early benefits, 2005-04-11NHH品论天涯网






  April 11, 2007, Prof. Jiang Yu-ping, Neurology, China Medical Society, at the "World Parkinson Disease Day" education campaign indicated, the Parkinson disease incidence increased 20 times during recent 20 years, the increase of incidence might be related to environment and food factors."NHH品论天涯网


  蒋雨平说,根据1986年统计数据,中国帕金森病发病率为0.047%,而根据上海2000年的统计,这个数据已达到了1.14%,最近全国范围内的统计数据则高达2%左右。... 上海市健康教育所提供的数据称,据流行病学统计,中国目前约有170万患者。”NHH品论天涯网


  Prof. Jiang Yu-ping said, according to statistics data of 1986, the incidence of Parkinson in China was 0.047%; by 2000, the incidence increased to about 2%. ... According to the data provided by the Shanghai Municipal Health Education Institute, according to epidemiological estimations, there are about 1.7 million Parkinson patients in China.NHH品论天涯网




  He indicated, animal experiments have already proved, some pesticide and herbicide residues might cause Parkinson disease, some environmental factors also might be inducing factors to the disease.NHH品论天涯网




  Xinhua Network, Specialists, the Parkinson disease incidence increased 20 times during recent 20 years in China, 2007-04-12NHH品论天涯网




  虽然帕金森病患者以老年人居多,但从近年来发病及就诊的患者年龄来看,正呈现低龄化趋势,“青少年型帕金森病”患者占据总人数的10%。... (湖南省脑科医院神经外科主任医师)黄红星说,该院收治过的帕金森病人中最年轻的是一位26岁的患者,患病时年仅14岁。而在广州,甚至有年仅6岁的患者被确诊。NHH品论天涯网


  Although most Parkinson patients are old age, but from ages of patients the disease starts and going to the hospital in recent years, the ages show a trend of becoming younger. "Youth and teenage type Parkinson disease" patients account to 10% of total number of Parkinson disease patients. ... (director doctor, Dept. Neurosurgery, Hunan Provincial Brain Hospital) Huang Hong-xing says, the youngest Parkinson patient they received was 26 years old, who started the disease when he was only 14 years old. There was even a 6 years old patient diagnosed Parkinson disease in Guangzhou.NHH品论天涯网


  中国新闻网,帕金森病趋向年轻化 尽早识别就诊成治疗关键,2014年04月09日NHH品论天涯网


  China News Network, Parkinson disease patients becoming younger, 2014-04-09NHH品论天涯网






  Unfortunate, scientist do not have definite answer to why Parkinson disease occurs, how it occurs, how to prevent it.NHH品论天涯网




  Through clinical epidemiology investigation it is found, following spreading of agrichemicals, like exposed to pesticides, herbicides, and exposure to application of some industrial chemicals, lead to increased risk of Parkinson""""s disease to people working and living in such environment.NHH品论天涯网




  Pang Yu, deputy director, Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, considers, occurring of Parkinson disease symptoms likely is related to Physical changes to the brain.NHH品论天涯网


  中国科学报,世界帕金森日 帕金森病“阴霾”何时消散,2014-04-12NHH品论天涯网






  Alzheimer""""s disease, has become the No.4 killer to old age in China, the number of patients is about 6 million, ranking 1st position in the world, and increase at a rate of doubling every 20 years; The average age of Alzheimer""""s disease at present is about 55 years old in China, 10 years younger than the average age of patients 20 years ago, showing clear trend becoming younger. It is considers at present, a group of syndrome of advanced brain dysfunction caused by chronic or progressive brain structure physical damage. American scientists discovered, DDT might increase the risk of Alzheimer""""s disease.NHH品论天涯网




  According to the data announced by International Alzheimer""""s Disease Association, China already has 6 million Alzheimer""""s disease patients, and increasing at a rate doubling every 20 years. Globally, every 7 seconds one more Alzheimer""""s disease patient is diagnosed, and every 4 patients includes one Chinese patient. Alzheimer""""s disease has become the No.4 killer of old age following cardiovascular disease, cancer, and stroke.NHH品论天涯网




  Gansu Provincial Mental Health Association, Studies show, Chinese Alzheimer""""s disease patients are ten years younger, 2009-02-07NHH品论天涯网






  Patient receiving data from major hospitals show, the number of patients in their 50s diagnosed with Alzheimer""""s disease is increasing. According to statistics from International Alzheimer""""s Disease Association, average age about 55 of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer""""s disease, is 10 years younger than average age of diagnosed patients 20 years ago, showing obvious younger trend.NHH品论天涯网


  南京日报,老年痴呆发病年龄提前10年 空巢老人成重灾区,2012-09-20NHH品论天涯网


  Nanjing Daily, Age when Alzheimer""""s disease begins has advance 10 years, situation of old age families with no younger generation with them is most serious, 2012-09-20NHH品论天涯网






  Alzheimer""""s disease is a kind of progressive development of fatal neurodegenerative diseases, is an old age and presenium primary degenerative brain disease. It is considers at present, a group of syndrome of advanced brain dysfunction caused by chronic or progressive brain structure physical damage.NHH品论天涯网




  Li Fan, Huang Yu-ling (Xian Municipal No.1 Hospital), Analysis of current situation of Alzheimer""""s disease and health education, Contemporary Medicine, 2012(22)NHH品论天涯网






  American scientists discovered, DDT might increase the risk ofAlzheimer""""s disease. Their study published by academic journal American Medicine Society Journal - Neurology" points out, DDT decomposition detected in the blood of Alzheimer""""s disease patients indicates this.NHH品论天涯网








  According to WHO statistics, depression has become the world""""s 4th-largest disease, world population preva1ence is about 11%, 15% of severe patients will select suicide to terminate their life. During 80s of past century, nationwide epidemiology survey indicated, the preva1ence of depression then was only 0.76%. According to incomplete statistics, preva1ence rate of depression in China is already 5% - 6%, average age advanced to about 30 years. According to estimations by another epidemiology survey, China at present has about 90 million depression patients, but only less than 10% of these patients receive medicine treatment. Among suicide and suicide attempts, depression patients account to 50% - 70%. Depression is not a simple psychological problem, but rather is a biological based of organic disease.NHH品论天涯网




  According to WHO statistics, depression has become the world""""s 4th-largest disease. By 2020 might become the 1st-largest disease, following behind heart disease. According to conservative estimation, worldwide there are 350 million depression patients, world preva1ence is about 11%, 15% of severe patients will select suicide to terminate their life, 2/3 patients had considered suicide, each year it is estimated that as much of 1 million suicides is due to depression.NHH品论天涯网




  Among WHO""""s suicide statistics, South Korea is the nation with highest suicide rate in Asia.NHH品论天涯网




  In 2012, a total 14160 people suicide in South Korea, amounting to 28.1% of total number of deaths, 10.2% higher than 2002. A social survey of South Korea in 2010 showed, 6 middle school students among every 10 ten students suffers depression or once had thought of suicide. The rate of girl students with depression (44.3%) is higher than boys (34%). Depression rate of students in Soul area is the highest, reaching 40.5%.NHH品论天涯网




  In 2012, the European Depression Association initiated a survey, a total of 7000 adults in U.K., Germany, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Spain and France accepted the survey. Results showed, there are 2 depression patients among every 10 people. U.K. has the highest depression rate, 26%; Italy the lowest, 12%. Loss caused by depression to U.K. economy each year amounts to 8.6 billion Pounds, including loss of work, medical treatment costs, unemployment extra paid benefits.NHH品论天涯网




  Xinmin Weekly, Depression: Global 4th largest disease, 2014-07-30NHH品论天涯网






  Prof. Pan Ji-yang, director, Mental and Sleep Medicine Center, Jinan University, pointed out, depression is not a simple psychological problem, but rather is a biological based of organic disease. Studies have found, the brain structure of depression patients, including shrinkage of hippocampal volume, treated by drugs can slow or reverse such shrinkage.NHH品论天涯网




  Yangcheng Evening News, Depression: Is organic disease, not related to character, 2014-09-12NHH品论天涯网






  According to incomplete statistics, preva1ence rate of depression in China is already 5% - 6%. According to estimations by another epidemiology survey, China at present has about 90 million depression patients.NHH品论天涯网




  "Among suicide and suicide attempts population, depression patients account to 50% - 70%., but only less than 10% of these patients receive medicine treatment. Quantitative eva1uation and standardize treatment is especial important." Prof. Li Ling-jiang, director, Institute of Mental Health, Zhongnan University, pointed out at the recent " Pfizer central nerve summit".NHH品论天涯网


  人民网,我国抑郁症治疗率不足10%  规范治疗尤为重要,2015-03-17NHH品论天涯网


  People""""s Network, Less than 10% depression patients receive medicine treatment, 2015-03-17NHH品论天涯网






  Aug. 20, 2015, at the 8th national mental health academic conference, Wang Gang, deputy director, Beijing Anding Hospital, revealed, the average age of patients beginning with depression has advance to about 30 years old. During recent years, the internet has from time to time reported suicide cases of young depression patients, worrying people whether the age of depression patients is becoming younger.NHH品论天涯网




  Wang Rui-an, director, Dept. psychiatrist, Dean Hospital, the diagnose of depression is relaxing allowing the total size of depression patients expand, which accordingly includes more young people, bringing the average age down. "During the 80s of the past century, nationwide epidemiological survey showed, the preva1ence of depression at the time was only 0.76%. At present, the WHO estimates China""""s depression preva1ence as 7% - 8%."NHH品论天涯网




  Guangming Network, Preva1ence of depression increased 10 times over 30 years, 2015-08-25NHH品论天涯网




  中国自闭症(也称孤独症)发病率正不断攀升,患者已超1000万,发病率约为1%;孤独症儿童发病率20年内升高了10倍, 0到14岁的儿童患病者达200余万。国际上,该病男女的发病率男女比例大约4:1。在我国,男女患病率的比例更为悬殊,约为6:1到9:1之间。NHH品论天涯网


  China""""s autism incidence is continue rising, exceeding 10 million patients at present, incidence rate about 1%;NHH品论天涯网


  China""""s children autism incidence has increased 10 times over the past 20 years, with over 2 million 0 - 14 years old children patients. International, the ratio of male/female autism patients is about 4:1. In China, this ratio is aobut 6:1 to 9:1.NHH品论天涯网




  The cause of autism in children is complex, recent studies consider, autism is associated with brain physiology, is result of multiple factors, is related to genetic factors, organic factors and environment factors.NHH品论天涯网


  脑器质性病变:... 有研究发现, 患儿脑部体积比同龄正常儿童相对要大, 结构也存在一定的异常, 如脑白质相对较大, 而大脑皮质、海马回和丘脑体积相对较小, 浦肯野细胞部分性受损且有体积萎缩现象。NHH品论天涯网


  Organic brain lesions: ... Some studies found, brain volume of autism children are relatively larger than normal age-matched children, structure also contains certain abnormalities, like relative larger brain white matter, and relative smaller cerebral cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus volume, Purkinje cell section is damaged and volume contracted.NHH品论天涯网


  神经生物学因素:在脑部CT、MRI、单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT) 辅助检查中,SPECT 异常检出率高,... 提示有脑干功能损伤的可能性。NHH品论天涯网


  Neurobiological factors: ... In the brain CT, MRI, SPECT examination, abnormal SPECT detection rate is high, suggesting possible damage of brainstem function.NHH品论天涯网


  庄海英,叶美荣(上海市奉贤区精神卫生中心),儿童孤独症患者的心理社会干预, 2008年6月3卷6期NHH品论天涯网


  Zhuang Hai-ying, Ye Mei-rong (Shanghai Fengxian District Mental Health Center), Psychosocial intervention of children with autism, July 2008 Vol. 3(6)NHH品论天涯网






  In 2001, the China Disabled Persons"""" Federation carried out sampling survey of total 60,000 disabled children 0 - 6 years old in 5 provinces and one city. Upon analysis of data, it showed that nationwide autism preva1ence was about 0.97/1000, total about 104,000 autism children. On average, there was 1 autism child among every 500 children.NHH品论天涯网




  Li Jing, Investigation report about autism children (sections), Beijing Autism Recovery Association, 2009-6-17NHH品论天涯网






  Report in 2002: Children autism is a rather serious developmental disorder disease. Significant difference exist in it""""s male/female incidence, globally about 4:1. But in China, the difference is more dramatic, about 6:1 to 9:1.NHH品论天涯网


  金洋网,热点话题 :孤独症发病率上升,2002-07-25NHH品论天涯网


  Jinyang Network, Autism incidence increases, 2002-07-25NHH品论天涯网






  Shenyang (2005): Children with autism have increased at the rate of 300 –400 each year, indicating a trend of rapidly increasing!NHH品论天涯网


  沈阳日报,发病率呈急剧上升趋势 聚焦当今“儿童孤独症”,2005-10-20NHH品论天涯网


  Shenyang Daily, Trend of rapidly increasing focuses on today’s “Children’s autism”, 2005-10-20NHH品论天涯网






  Shenzhen (2007):Autism preva1ence rate 1.32% for children, five folds of the national average rate 0.025%.NHH品论天涯网




  Nanfang City Daily, Shenzhen children autism preva1ence rate is five fold of national level, 2007-12-21NHH品论天涯网






  Nanjing (reported in 2008): Autism rate of children have increased to 10 times within 20 years. “Specialists indicate, the fundamental reason causing autism is still not so clear at present, and there is not special effective drugs, early education is the main means of interference.”NHH品论天涯网


  中国中医药报, 南京儿童孤独症发病率上升20年内升高10倍,2008-04-18NHH品论天涯网


  China Chinese Medicine Newpaper, Nanjing children’s autism rate increasing, increased 10 times within 20 years, 2008-04-18NHH品论天涯网






  Science Daily report in 2009, in China, there are now over 1 million children with autism, which is rapidly increasing, the autism rate in various areas has reached 1.5%, increased 10 times over 20 years!NHH品论天涯网




  Science Daily, Don’t let autism take away their joyful childhood, 2009-08-11NHH品论天涯网






  Shanghai (2010): Shanghai has over 8,000 autism patients, Children autism rate has reached 0.6%。NHH品论天涯网


  新民周刊,自闭症成儿童疾病之首 调查称发病率达千分之六,2010-08-25NHH品论天涯网


  (Shanghai) Xinmin Weekly, Autism becomes the No.1 children illness, survey said autism rate has reached 0.6%, 2010-08-25NHH品论天涯网






  In 2004, the Beijing Disabled Persons"""" Federation conducted sampling survey in 18 districts/counties of the municipality to 0 - 6 years old disabled children total 30,000. The results show: The preva1ence of autism children 2 - 6 years old is 1.53/1000. Calculated on the basis of this preva1ence, it is estimated that about 3000 autism children exist in Beijing""""s population, and this preva1ence shows trend of increase.NHH品论天涯网






  Beijing Disabled Persons"""" Federation, Beijing Disabled Persons"""" Federation and Beijing University No.6 Hospital sign autism children recovery project cooperation agreement, 2010-10-11NHH品论天涯网




  在复旦大学附属儿科医院举行的 “2011孤独症研究国际合作发展论坛”获悉,…在我国,目前虽然仍缺乏大规模的人群资料,但根据世界卫生组织的估计,中国目前至少有100万的孤独症儿童。NHH品论天涯网


  Learnt at“2011 Autism Research International Cooperation Development Forum” held at the Attached Pediatric Hospital of the Fudan University, … in China, because still lack of large scale population survey data, but, according to estimation by the WHO China at present has at least over 1 million children with autism.NHH品论天涯网




  Jiefang Niu Website, Title: Global children autism rate about 1%, 2011-11-04,NHH品论天涯网






  Changchun (2011): Autism preva1ence rate 1.5% for children age 2 – 6 years.NHH品论天涯网




  China Jilin Website, Changchun autism children preva1ence show increase trend, 2011-02-18NHH品论天涯网






  Harbin (2011): Autism preva1ence rate apparent increase trend, 2.27% for children age 2 – 6 years.NHH品论天涯网


  哈尔滨新闻网,哈市儿童孤独症患病率上升 男女患病比例为7:1,2011-04-02NHH品论天涯网


  Harbin News Website, Harbin children autism rate increasing, ratio of autism between boys and girls is 7:1, 2011-04-02NHH品论天涯网






  中国新闻网,广州幼儿园孤独症患病率高达1/133 男孩居多,2014-04-03NHH品论天涯网






  In China, since end of last century until this century, autism has experienced transition from a rare disease to an epidemic. "The status report on development of Chinese children with autism" (Oct. 2014) quoted an epidemiological investigation conducted in 2013 in Guangzhou which found, the autism preva1ence in normal kindergartens in Guangzhou is 1/133, and this investigation did not include scattered residence children and special education institutions, thus estimation of the actual preva1ence is even higher.NHH品论天涯网


  在我国自闭症患病率和世界其他国家相似,约1%。以此推算,我国自闭症患者可能超过1000万, 0-14岁儿童患儿的数量可能超过200万 。NHH品论天涯网


  The preva1ence of autism in China is similar to other nations, about 1%. Estimation accordingly, the number of autism children in China might exceed 10 million, the number of autism children 0 - 14 years old might exceed 2 million.NHH品论天涯网




  Since autism is neurodevelopmental disorders innate with biological basis, its core symptoms accompany the whole life of the patient.NHH品论天涯网




  Xinhua Network, China""""s first autism report announced, 2014-10-20NHH品论天涯网






  According to USA CDC statistics, in 1975, preva1ence of autism spectrum disorder was 1/5000; by 2014, the preva1ence increased to 1/68; the social economic burden accordingly also increased year by year, by 2012, when the preva1ence was 1/88, the burden was already USD137 billion.NHH品论天涯网


  中国新闻网,中国“自闭症”患者超千万 发病率逐年攀升,2015-04-02NHH品论天涯网


  China News Network, China""""s autism patients exceeds 10 million, incidence increasing year by year, 2015-04-02NHH品论天涯网






  The result of project titled "Hubei provincial 18 to 36 month children autism spectrum disorder epidemiology and early symptoms and biological markers", is announced by the provincial maternal and child health care. The result shows: The autism children preva1ence among 18 - 36 months is 0.58%, preva1ence between boys/girls is 4.8:1. Per statistics, there are 1.981 million children below 3 years old in our province, accordingly, it is estimated there is about over 11000 autism children below 3 years old in Hubei province.NHH品论天涯网




  Hubei Daily, Children autism preva1ence below 3 years old in Hubei province is 0.58%, 2015-03-31NHH品论天涯网



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